Peer Review: a Practical Guide to Helping Improve Others’ Research


2019年2月22日 (金) 14:00 16:00




Target Audience: Students and researchers

Session format: 2 hours Seminar


Charles Yokoyama, Ph.D.

Executive Director & Project Professor

International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN)

The University of Tokyo, Institutes for Advanced Study

Short description:

Peer review at research journals is a cornerstone of the academic profession. The skill of writing useful peer reviews of others’ research is a community service that is valuable for advancing knowledge and shaping a field’s technical and conceptual standards. In this workshop, we will enter the black box of the peer review process with a former journal editor and learn what makes a good peer review and reviewer. Hands on practice will be included. The workshop will also cover the current state and future evolution of academic peer review systems.

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About the speaker: 

Charles Yokoyama currently serves as the Executive Director and Project Professor for the International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN) at The University of Tokyo where he also manages the IRCN Science Writing Core. Previously he was the Director of Research Administration at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute, and Senior Editor for the journal Neuron in Cell Press.ontent


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