[Seminar] Emergence of topological gauge theories from coupled arrays of wires - coupled-wire construction demystified by Professor Keisuke Totsuka

Title: Emergence of topological gauge theories from coupled arrays of wires
-- coupled-- wire construction demystified
Speaker: Professor Keisuke Totsuka
Institution: Kyoto University
Despite the proposals of various topological states of matter, it is not fully
understood how we can realize those states in physical settings.
In this respect, the coupled-wire construction [1,2] provides an interesting approach.
Namely, it gives recipes of constructing two and three-dimensional topological
phases starting from an array of wires of interacting quantum particles.
Normally, the construction focuses only on the edge states that are usually
thought of as the indicator of the topological states in question
and the non-trivial topological properties in the bulk are non considered.
In this talk, we carefully consider the bulk properties in the coupled-wire construction
and show that non-trivial Chern-Simons gauge theories emerge in the bulk.
Remarkably, the mechanism is analogous to the gauge-field description of
frustrated magnets. We also give the coupled-wire recipe for all the two-dimensional
Abelian topological phases characterized by K-matrices.
[1] C.L. Kane, R. Mukhopadhyay, and T.C. Lubensky, Phys.Rev.Lett. 88, 036401 (2002)
[2] J.C.Y. Teo and C.L. Kane, Phys.Rev.B 89, 085101 (2014)
[3] Y. Imamura and K. Totsuka, in preparation
1996 Ph.D from Univ. of Tokyo
1996-1999 PostDoc at RIKEN
1999-2000 PostDoc at Kyushu Univ,
2000-2001 PostDoc at ITP, Univ Hannover
2001-2003 Aoyama Gakuin Univ.
2003-- Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto Univ.
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