Public Outreach
2023 Mar 13-15 The Spring School of Computational Physics in Naha
A Spring School for Computational Physics 2023 was held in Naha, Okinawa from March 13th to 15th. More than 100 students joined the school and Tokuro Shimokawa in our unit helped the organization of the event as a local coordinator.
2023 Mar 15 OIST Science Challange
On March 15th 2023, TQM members Leilee Chojnacki, Ananya Samanta and Snigdh Sabharwal were involved in the first in person Science Challenge at OIST since early 2020, teaching visiting students from Universities in Japan about superconductivity and how it can be used via the Meissner effect as a means of levitating objects visible to the naked eye.
2020 Oct 5th OIST NetCafé
TQM student Leilee Chojnacki took part as a panelist of the OIST NetCafé online information session for prospective students. She gave a presentation about her research life and student experiences at OIST and featured during the ensuing panel discussion.
2018 Nov 28 The 8th Condensed Matter Physics Seminar at University of Hyogo
Dr. Shimokawa talked about his experiences during his PhD days, in order to encourage younger postgraduate and undergraduate students at the University of Hyogo to enter the doctoral program. He also gave a seminar about his recent research findings on frustrated honeycomb-lattice magnetism.
2018 Mar 10-17 OIST Science Challange
The OIST science challenge was held again this year and again members of the Shannon unit participated. Seen here are PhD students Kimberly Remund and Andreas Thomasen demonstrating superconductivity and the Meissner effect using magnetic levitation.
2017 Nov 9 OIST Science Festival
The OIST Science Festival (previously known as OIST “Open Campus”) took also place this year and surprised with a record attendance of more than 5,300 people! Kimberly Remund, Andreas Thomasen and Rico Pohle - all PhD students in the TQM unit - worked hand-in-hand with Maki Maeda (Light-Matter Interactions unit), Jason Ball (Quantum Dynamics unit), Matthew Edmonds (Quantum Systems unit) and Bidesh Chatterjee (Membrane Cooperativity unit) in order to demonstrate exciting low-temperature quantum phenomena to the local Okinawan Community. Christina Lee, also a PhD student in the TQM, introduced geology and explained various minerals from all around the world to children and their family.
2017 Jun 21 JuliaCon 2017 in Berkeley - Teaching with Code
Christina Lee - PhD student at OIST - gave a talk at JuliaCon 2017 in Berkeley. She displayed both good and bad examples of documentation and tutorials, as well as guidelines for improvement.
Her presentation can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O_wcYLAMWw&list=PLP8iPy9hna6QpP6vqZs408etJVECPKIev&index=66
2017 Mar Science Challenge - What is Your Science Dream?

2016 Mar Science Challenge

2016 Jan 19 Science at the Onna Junior High

2015 Nov 08 Open Campus of OIST

2015 Mar 12 Science Challenge

2013 Aug 21 SCORE! program