OIST x CiNet Workshop for Future Neuroscience and Technology

Dear all,
Neural Computation Unit (Doya Unit) is hosting “the OIST x CiNet Workshop for Future Neuroscienceand Technology” and would like to invite you to join the following sessions and to present your posters.
CiNet (Center for Information and Neural Networks) is an interdisciplinary neuroscience and technology research institute in Osaka, Japan. Around 70 researchers from CiNet will come to discuss about their present research and future directions. Topics include artificial intelligence, information and communications technology, brain-machine interface, neuro-imaging, and robotics.
Date: From Wednesday, October 17th to Friday, October 19th, 2018
Venue: Oct 17th: Seminar room B250, OIST center Bldg.
Oct 18th-19th: Okinawa Electoromagnetic Technology Center (Access map)
Program: (Full program in PDF).
Poster Presenters lists: PDF (Updated on October 3rd)
Wednesday, October 17th: Seminar room B250, OIST center Bldg.
15:30 Opening
15:35 Welcome speech (OIST Provost Mary Collins)
15:40 Dr. Kaoru Amano (CiNet)
15:55 Dr. Masaya Hirashima (CiNet)
16:10 Prof. Keji Doya + Brief OIST introduction
16:30 OIST Tour
We start with introduction of OIST to CiNet researchers.
18:30-: Kick-off party at Fugetsuro.
Thursday afternoon, October 18th: Okinawa Electoromagnetic Technology Center
13:00-: Poster session: This is a great opportunity for CiNet-OIST interaction. Poster presetations by OIST members will be highly welcome! Please register from the link below.
Morning of October 18th and 19th: Okinawa Electoromagnetic Technology Center
9:30-: Discussion about how to create an ideal research institute. 10 people will make a short presentation, providing topics for the discussion such as ‘How to become a flagship institute’, or ‘Why do we have such a small number of female researchers?’ or ‘Which do we select, basic science or applied science?’. The plan is to engage all of the members in the floor, please take part in the discussion!
For attendance and poster prsenstaiton, please register from HERE by September 24th.
Kenji Doya
Neural Computation Unit
Intra-Group Category
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