Online Journals / E-Books

Only OIST members can access electronic resources.
  • On-Campus:  E-resoruces are accessible from any computers connected to the campus network.
  • Off-Campus:  E-resources are available outside of campus through VPN service. To use VPN service, please go to IT section's site.
Database Search System
For searching academic articles published in academic society journals, university research bulletins or articles included in National Diet Library's Japanese Periodicals Index Database.
An in-depth directory of the top articles in biology and medicine.
Site tour (English) / User guide (Japanese)
A database from the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Contains 2.8 million reviews and abstracts from math publications.
Oxford English Dictionary
Chemical Abstracts Service
User Registration Manual: English / Japanese, Presentation Material: English / Japanese
Structure Diagram Manual: English / Japanese
Academic citation indexing and search service. Includes Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, and Derwent Innovations Index (Patent Data).
Help / Online training opportunities: English / Japanese


Online Journals
List of all OIST subscriptions to online journals and e-books
Electrical engineering, computer science and electronics
Peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes experimental methods in video format.
Weekly journal of science
Medical, nursing and allied health information resources /Clinical Neuropharmacology / CNS Drugs / Current Opinion in Neurology /Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics / Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease /Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry / Neurology / Neurology Clinical Practice / Neuroreport / New England Journal of Medicine
Journal of original scientific research, global news, and commentary
Web portal of Elsevier
STM (Science, Technology, Medicine) journals & reference works by Springer
Synlett & Synthesis
Multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
1963〜2013 (Japanese only)


E-book platform that hosts a wide variety of titles. Provided by ProQuest.
User guide: English / Japanese
E-book Collection of Health & Medicine, Psychology, and Science
E-books in computer science, information technology, and related fields. O'Reilly & Associates, Pearson Technology Group etc.


Other Links
A database service to search information of books and journals held by university libraries in Japan.
Japanese Institutional Repositories Online
Nikkei Science (English and Japanese)
PubMed with SFX (Link Resolver) and F1000. 22 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.
Provided by Japan Science & Technology Agency (Japanese only)