Mendeley Seminar


2017年1月10日 (火) 9:30


Seminar Room C700, Lebel C, Lab3


Mendeley is a free reference manager which helps you manage, share, and discover both content and contacts in research. On January 10, 2017, the library will invite an expert of Mendeley from Elsevier, Inc., and hold a seminar to the OIST members. The seminar will be held in Japanese and English respectively; the contents will be the same. Please see the schedule below and register for the session you wish to attend.


Date: Tuesday, January 10th, 2017
Venue: Seminar Room C700, Level C, Lab 3
Instructor: Mr. Masato Takaishi (Elsevier)
Language: Japanese and English

1) Japanese Session @ 9:30am-10:30am
2) English Session @ 11:00am-12:00pm

Session Outline:
What is Mendeley? / Mendeleyについて
Document Import Functions / 文献のインポート機能
Collaboration / コラボレーション
Your Research Paper Performance / 自身の論文のパフォーマンス確認

Notes for participants:
Please bring your laptop to follow the instructor.
Prior to attending the seminar, please go to to create a profile, and download Mendeley Desktop (it only takes a few minutes).

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