EndNote Seminar: Basic and Intermediate, September 9th


2016年9月9日 (金) 10:00


B503, Level B, Lab1


The library will invite an expert of EndNote from the providing company and have EndNote Seminar on September 9th. EndNote is a software for helping you collect, store, organize, and manage references, and output them as reference lists and bibliographies. There are two courses: Basic and Intermediate, you may choose to attend one or both courses. Please see the schedule below and register for the session(s) you would like to attend.

Date: Friday, September 9th
Venue: B503, Level B, Lab 1
Instructor: Mr. Soh Hirose (USACO)
Language: English and Japanese
- Basic Course (基礎) @ 10:00-11:00
- Intermediate Course (応用) @ 11:05-11:35
- Basic Course @ 15:00-16:00
- Intermediate Course @ 16:05-16:35

This seminar is delivered in a demonstration style. There will be no hands-on exercise.
To install EndNote, please visit https://groups.oist.jp/it/oist-software

REGISTRATION (https://groups.oist.jp/library/endnote-seminar-registration)

Language Course Time Contents
Japanese Basic (基礎) 10:00-11:00 1. EndNoteの概要 (10分)
 - EndNoteで何ができるか
2. EndNote X7 デモ (40分)
 - 文献情報の取り込み (PubMed, PDF, 医中誌)
 - 参考文献リストの自動作成
 - 文献情報の管理 (PDFの添付, グループの作成)
 - PDFの自動ダウンロードについて
3. まとめ・質疑応答 (10分)

Intermediate (応用)

11:05-11:35 1. 基礎編の復習 (5分)
 - EndNoteの基本機能の確認
2. EndNote X7 デモ (15分)
 - EndNoteでファイル管理
 - EndNote内で文字の置換
3. まとめ・質疑応答 (10分)
Language Course Time Contents
English Basic 15:00-16:00 1. About EndNote (10 min.)
 - How EndNote Can Help Your Research
2. EndNote X7 Demonstration (40 min.)
 - Import References from PubMed, PDFs
 - Making Reference List on MS Word
 - Managing References (Attach Files, Creating Groups)
 - Automatic PDF Download Function
5. Closing: Q&As (10 min.)
Intermediate 16:05-16:35 1. Reviewing Basic Section (5 min.)
2. EndNote X7 Demonstration (15 min.)
 - Managing Files in the Computer
 - Function "Find and Replace"
3. Closing : Q & As (10 min.)


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