Seminar: Advanced Reduced-Order Methods for the Aeroelastic Analysis of Wind Turbine Rotors, by Prof. Fernando Ponta


2015年3月26日 (木) 10:00 11:00


Meeting Room C016, Level C , Lab 1


The Graduate School would like to invite you to a seminar by Prof. Fernando Ponta, from Michigan Technological University. This talk will be introduced by Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit (Shintake Unit). 

Date:      Thursday, March 26, 2015
Time:     10 am – 11 am
Venue:   Meeting Room C016, Level C , Lab 1


Dr. Fernando Ponta
Associate Professor
Richard and Elizabeth Henes Endowed Associate Professor in Wind Energy
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics,
Michigan Technological University


Advanced Reduced-Order Methods for the Aeroelastic Analysis of Wind Turbine Rotors


Reducing the uncertainties related to blade dynamics by the improvement of the quality of numerical simulations of the fluid structure interaction process is a key for a breakthrough in wind-turbine technology. A fundamental step in that direction is the implementation of aeroelastic models capable of representing the complex behavior of innovative prototype blades, so they can be tested at realistic full-scale conditions with a reasonable computational cost. In this talk, we shall introduce a novel aeroelastic approach which combines the Generalized-Timoshenko Beam technique, with an innovative aerodynamic model based on an advanced implementation of the Blade Element Momentum theory (BEM). Called the Dynamic Rotor Deformation (DRD)-BEM, this model fully includes the effects of large displacements and rotations of the blade airfoil sections into the computation of aerodynamic forces. Thus, the DRD-BEM takes into account the effects of blade complex modes of deformation on the analysis of the aeroelastic dynamics of the rotor.


Fernando Ponta, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Michigan Technological University, earned his engineering degree and PhD at the University of Buenos Aires. Before coming to Michigan Tech in 2007, he was for three years a Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Ponta's area of expertise is in theoretical and computational continuum mechanics, vortex dynamics, and advanced numerical methods for fluid-structure interaction analysis; especially as they apply to the study of wind-turbine aerodynamics and other energy systems utilizing renewable-energy sources. His research has resulted in more than 60 peer-reviewed articles, and 3 book chapters. Dr. Ponta has been awarded a 2010 Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation to help reduce the uncertainties related to wind turbine blade dynamics. He was also awarded the Gold Medal for Best Scientific Paper, at the Fifth World Renewable Energy Congress (Florence, Italy, September 1998), for a work in innovative wind-power concepts.

We hope to see many of you there.

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