Past Events


"Implications of Higgs boson discovery to physics beyond the Standard Model" Nobuchika Okada

2015年6月24日 (水) 11:00 12:00
Seminar Room C700, Lab 3
Prof. Nobuchika Okada, Assistant Professor, Particle Astrophysics, The University of Alabama

Seminar: Super-resolution imaging in neuroscience and nephrology

2015年6月24日 (水) 11:00
Meeting Room C016, Lab 1, Level C
Prof Hans Blom, The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Seminar Title Super-resolution imaging in neuroscience and nephrology

6月23日 日本の法令に関するセミナー

2015年6月23日 (火) 14:00 15:00

日本の法令に関するセミナー (6 月 23 日・ 26 日)



OISTの全職員・学生に本説明会への参加が 義務付けられています 。ご家族の方の参加も歓迎致します。


日本における薬物に関する法令 日本における飲酒運転に関する法令 日本の銃刀法 日本における刑事手続き 強制送還


6月23日(火) 第1セッション:日本語 14:00 – 15:00 第2セッション:英語 15:00 – 16:00

6月26日(金) 第3セッション:日本語 13:30 – 14:30 第4セッション:英語 14:30 – 15:30


場所 OIST講堂

講演者 開会の挨拶:ジョナサン・ドーファン学長 日本語セッション担当講師:沖縄弁護士会所属の弁護士 英語セッション担当講師:OISTリーガルアドバイザーの石井 恵介弁護士(沖縄弁護士会所属)

ゲストスピーカー 沖縄県警察職員

本件に関する問い合わせは までご連絡ください。


Explanatory Session: FY2015 Research Equipment Maintenance

2015年6月23日 (火) 11:00 11:30
C700, Lab 3
We will explain about some rules and procedures regarding FY15 equipment maintenance

Seminar "Can lattice disorder drive spin-orbital liquid behaviour?" by Andrew Smerald

2015年6月23日 (火) 10:00 11:00
D015, Lab1
Seminar by Dr. Andrew Smerald (EPFL, Lausanne), June 23rd @ 10AM in D015, Lab1.

Joint Workshop: Neuro-Computing, Bioinformatics, Mathematical modeling and Machine Learning

2015年6月23日 (火) (All day)2015年6月25日 (木) (All day)
Seminar Room B250 & Seminar Room C209
Language: Japanese. No interpretation will be provided. Keynote lectures: English Registration is not required.

Traditional Tea Ceremony お茶会

2015年6月20日 (土) 13:00 15:00
Village Center Meeting Room
Experience the beauty of a traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony right on campus! Register by June 17th. 裏千家教授者の方々によるお茶会がOISTにて行われます。6月17日までご登録ください。 Inquiries:

Student Research Presentations

2015年6月19日 (金) 16:00 17:00
C700 (Lab 3 Large Seminar Room)
OIST PhD students present their research topic to a general audience.

Salon with Ken Peach - Insights for Researchers Interested in Securing Grants-

2015年6月19日 (金) 15:00 16:00
B503, Lab 1 Level B, OIST
We, in the Grants and Research Collaborations Section, hope that this series of Salons will jump-start your thinking about research proposal presentations – the key to a well-funded research career.

Maeganeku Harri Race 前兼久ハーリー大会

2015年6月19日 (金) 9:00 12:00
Maeganeku Fish Port 前兼久漁港
Maeganeku Harii Race Date: Friday, June 19th Time: 9:00~ till 12:00 Venue: Maeganeku Fish Port (Maeganeku Gyokou)

The 43rd Japan Ulcer Society Meeting

2015年6月19日 (金) 9:002015年6月20日 (土) 17:00
OIST Auditorium, Seminar Rooms C210 & B250, Restaurant Floor

All scientific sessions are open to OIST members. All sessions are in Japanese. English interpretation is provided for the "Ulcer Society-OIST Joint Sessions" on June 19 (9:20-11:30) & June 20 (9:00-11:30). For further information, please visit the symposium website or contact the organizers.


Webinar:Superresolution easy3D STED microscopes designed by the inventors of STED microscopy

2015年6月18日 (木) 16:00 17:00
C015, Lab1
Webinar by: Dr. Gerald Donnert, CEO of Abberior Instruments GmbH, Göttingen, Germany

Karatea Time

2015年6月18日 (木) 16:00 17:00
Restaurant Level B
Teatime with a kick -- and a hand held trident!

Seminar by Dr Teresa Hernandez Flores

2015年6月18日 (木) 11:00 12:00
D014 Meeting Room, Level D, Lab 1
National Autonomous University of Mexico

Seminar "Spin-wave excitations in the multiferroic compound Ba2CoGe2O7" by Karlo Penc

2015年6月17日 (水) 11:00 12:00
D014, Lab1
Seminar by Prof. Karlo Penc (Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics), Wed 17th June @ 11:00am in D014, Lab1.


2015年6月16日 (火) 14:00 16:00
Restaurant, Level B, Central Building

Neuroscience @ OIST - Poster Session on Tuesday June 16, 14:00 - 16:00, Restaurant, Level B, Central Building

Do you want to get an overview of what is going on in Neuroscience @ OIST ?

Here comes your chance:



Seminar TODAY: Science Communication: Take Charge of It! by Dr. Matteo Rini

2015年6月15日 (月) 12:30
Seminar: Science Communication: Take Charge of It! by Dr. Matteo Rini

"Automated Cryo-tomography and Single Particle Analysis with the Volta Phase Plate" Radostin Danev Ph.D.

2015年6月15日 (月) 10:00 11:00
C209, Center Bldg., Level C
Radostin Danev Ph.D., Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, one of the key developers of the modern phase plate for electron microscopy. If you want to know what's hot in biological electron microscopy, please come hear his talk!

6th Meeting of the Japan Society of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery

2015年6月13日 (土) 8:00 12:00
OIST Main Campus, Seminar Rooms B250, C209, C210
This is an external event. For more information, please contact the organizers.

Internal Seminar: Masai Unit and Mitarai Unit

2015年6月12日 (金) 17:00 18:00
Join us for June's first Internal Seminar Series on June 12, from 17:00 to 18:00 in B250. This month's first seminar features the Developmental Neurobiology Unit (Ichiro Masai) and the Marine Biophysics Unit (Satoshi Mitarai).

Seminar "Low Energy Physics of a Non-Fermi Liquid System" by Ipsita Mandal

2015年6月12日 (金) 13:30 14:30
C016, Lab1
Seminar by Dr. Ipsita Mandal (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics) on Friday, 12th June at 13:30 in C016 (Lab1).

Seminar: Plasticity of neuronal networks and single cell properties in the anterior cingulate cortex induced by neuropathic pain, by Prof. Thomas Nevian from University of Bern

2015年6月11日 (木) 10:00 11:00
Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Thomas Nevian from University of Bern, talks on "Plasticity of neuronal networks and single cell properties in the anterior cingulate cortex induced by neuropathic pain"

"Digital counting of mRNA molecules genome-wide by molecular barcoding", Prof. Katsuyuki Shiroguchi.

2015年6月8日 (月) 14:00 15:00
C016, Lab1
Seminar "Digital counting of mRNA molecules genome-wide by molecular barcoding.", Prof. Katsuyuki Shiroguchi.

Seminar "Topological Surface States in the Heavy Fermion Metals and Superconductors" Andriy Nevidomskyy

2015年6月8日 (月) 14:00 15:00
D015, Lab1
Seminar by Prof. Andriy Nevidomskyy (Rice Univ. / Uni.Tokyo), Jun 8th (Mon) 14:00-15:00, D015, Lab1.

”Entanglement prethermalization” Eriko Kaminishi

2015年6月8日 (月) 10:30 11:30
C016, Lab1
Eriko Kaminishi (Post-doc, The University of Tokyo, Japan)

OCNC 2015: OIST Computational Neuroscience Course

2015年6月8日 (月) 9:002015年6月25日 (木) 17:00
OIST Seaside House
OIST Workshop - Application Deadline is February 8, 2015 - OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions - Practical sessions are only for registered participants - URL:

Ganjuu Wellbeing Service Open Afternoon / がんじゅうサービス オープンアフタヌーン

2015年6月5日 (金) 14:00
Ganjuu Wellbeing Service, 128 West Court / がんじゅうサービス ウェストコート128号室
Open Afternoon 5th June 2-5pm Ganjuu Wellbeing Service オープンアフタヌーン 6月5日 午後2時~5時 がんじゅうサービス

Software Informatics Workshop

2015年6月5日 (金) 13:302015年6月6日 (土) 18:00
OIST Main Campus, Seminar Room C209
This is an externally organizer event. Please contact the event organizers for more information.

Seminar ''Organo lead halide perovskite for high efficiency printable solar cells and optoelectronic devices'' Prof. Tsutomu (Tom) Miyasaka, Toin University of Yokohama

2015年6月5日 (金) 10:00 11:00
Meeting Room C016, Lab1
Seminar ''Organo lead halide perovskite for high efficiency printable solar cells and optoelectronic devices'' Prof. Tsutomu (Tom) Miyasaka, Toin University of Yokohama

Seminar by Dr Wang 'Ratiometric wavelength measurement systems based on Silicon-on-Insulator integrated devices'

2015年6月3日 (水) 14:00 15:00
B503, Level B, Centre Building
Speaker: Dr Pengfei Wang, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Nanomaterials Synthesis by Prof. Bruce Clemens (Stanford University, U.S.A) , Lecture 4 & 5

2015年6月3日 (水) 11:00
C016 (Lab 1, Level C)

Nanoparticles by Design Unit (Sowwan Unit) would like to invite you to a Special Lecture Series by Prof. Bruce Clemens (Stanford University, U.S.A) on the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Nanomaterials Synthesis .

Lecture 1 – Thermodynamics Review, Bond Counting and the Regular Solution Model, Chemical Potential

Lecture 2 – Surface Energies, the Gibbs-Thompson Effect, the Effect of Size on Vapor Pressure, Gibbs-Thompson Effect

Lecture 3 – Chemical Potential as the Driving Force for Kinetic Processes, Interface Attachment and Diffusion

Lecture 4 – Nanoparticle Formation From Solutions, Nucleation, Interface Attachment, Diffusion, Growth Model, Controlling Size Distribution

Lecture 5 –...


Seminar: Evolutionary Robotics, by Prof. Dario Floreano from EPFL

2015年6月3日 (水) 10:00 11:00
Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Dario Floreano from Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, EPFL talks on "Evolutionary Robotics"

[Time Change] Seminar: Bio-inspired and "bio-compatible" drones, by Prof. Dario Floreano from EPFL

2015年6月2日 (火) 16:00 17:00
Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Dario Floreano from Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, EPFL talks on "Bio-inspired and "bio-compatible" drones"

"Phase Transitions in Early Life: Clues from the Genetic Code" Nigel Goldenfeld

2015年6月2日 (火) 13:00 14:00
Nigel Goldenfeld, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

"Single molecule spectroscopy using STM" Prof. Maki Kawai

2015年6月2日 (火) 11:00 12:00
C210 (Center Building)
Prof. Maki Kawai, Department of Advanced Materials Science, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan

"Buckling of macroscopic metal-organic-framework nanofilms" by Prof. Sahraoui Chaieb

2015年6月1日 (月) 10:00 11:00
B503, seminar room (Lab1)
Prof. Sahraoui Chaieb PhD, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)

External Event: AMICUS Information Session for Parents

2015年5月30日 (土) 9:30 11:00
Auditorium 講堂
This is an externally organized session. AMICUS will hold an information session for the parents. 300 participants will be expected.

Internal Seminar: Sinclair Unit

2015年5月29日 (金) 17:30 18:00
Join us for May's third Internal Seminar Series on May 29, from 17:30 to 18:00 in B250. This month's third seminar features the Mathematical Biology Unit (Robert Michael Sinclair).

"Statistical Physics, Biological Complexity and Pattern Formation at Yellowstone's Hot Springs" by Prof. Nigel Goldenfeld

2015年5月28日 (木) 11:00 12:00
C209 seminar room, Level C, Center Building
Professor Nigel Goldenfeld Department of Physics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Loomis Laboratory 1110 West Green St Urbana IL 61801.

Solitons in low dimensional electronic systems of synthetic conductors.

2015年5月27日 (水) 13:00 14:00
ENTER IMPORTANT DETAILS HERE, SUCH AS SPEAKER INFO, "Language: Japanese. No interpretation will be provided.", "Participation by invitation only.", "Registration required. Go to for more information and registration.", ETC.

Exhibition by Life Technologies, GE Healthcare, Watson, Yamato and Beckman Coulter

2015年5月27日 (水) 10:00 17:00
C210, Center Building
Please stop by to speak with representatives from each manufacturer

ONNA2015: Optical Nanofiber Applications: From Quantum to Bio Technologies

2015年5月25日 (月) 9:002015年5月28日 (木) 17:00
OIST Seaside House
OIST Workshop - Application deadline is January 23rd, 2015 - URL:

Okinawa Female Managers Association 1st Meeting

2015年5月23日 (土) 12:00 17:30
B250 Seminar Room
This is an externally organized event by Okinawa Female Managers Association.


2015年5月22日 (金) 19:00

"The Green-ILC project: towards sustainable particle colliders" Denis Perret-Gallix

2015年5月22日 (金) 13:30 15:00
C015, Lab 1
Language: English. No interpretation will be provided.

Seminar and Demo by JEOL and a Special Lecture by Professor Hariyama

2015年5月22日 (金) 13:30 17:00
B503, Lab 1
There will be a presentation by Professor Hariyama of the Hamamatsu University School of Medicine

"Initial-boundary value problems arise in practice" by Dr. Hongqiu Chen

2015年5月20日 (水) 13:30 14:30
C015, LevelC, Lab 1
Dr. Hongqiu Chen, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Memphis.

Technical Workshop - LC/MS Data Analysis

2015年5月20日 (水) 10:00 16:00
C700, Lab 3
Please contact Alex Villar Briones to attend

4th Joint workshop of the France-Japan and France-Korea International Associated Particle Physics Laboratories

2015年5月20日 (水) 9:002015年5月22日 (金) 17:00
B250, C210 & Restaurant Floor
This is an externally organized event. All scientific sessions are open to OIST members. Joint sessions with OIST will be held on May 21, 2015. For more information visit the workshop's website at:

"Sand Bar Formation and Soft Beach Protection" Professor Jerry L. Bona

2015年5月19日 (火) 14:00 15:00
C015, LevelC, Lab 1
Professor Jerry L. Bona, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago
