Opportunities for Marine Science


2014年10月29日 (水) 10:00 16:00




Dear Colleagues,

Please join us for a public series of talks by six eminent marine scientists from around the world. They will share with us, their perspective on the directions for Marine Science in the future, and the opportunities that before us today. These talks will take place at OIST, on the 29th of October, in room C209. A poster is attached. Our guests are:


Professor David Randall, University of British Columbia, Canada 

Professor Christopher Wood, University of British Columbia (previously McMaster University) Canada

Professor Stephen Monismith, Stanford University, USA 

Professor Amatzia Genin, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 

Professor Louis Legender, Laboratoire d’ Oceanographie de Villefranche, France

Professor David Siegel, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA


I look forward to seeing you there. 

Best wishes,


George Iwama, Ph.D.

Provost and Vice-CEO


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