"Reverse-genetic approach to dissect the function of abundant nuclear long noncoding RNAs" Shinichi Nakagawa
Speaker: Dr. Shinichi Nakagawa, Associate Chief Scientist, RIKEN, Nakagawa RNA biology Laboratory, Saitama, Japan
Title: Reverse-genetic approach to dissect the function of abundant nuclear long noncoding RNAs
Abstract: Nucleus of higher eukaryotes is highly structured and is composed of multiple nuclear bodies that regulate particular nuclear processes. We are especially interested in the function of extremely abundant long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) that are localized to specific nuclear bodies, which include Neat1, Malat1, and Gomafu/MIAT. To elucidate the function of these lncRNAs, we have created animal model using conventional gene-targeting. Unexpectedly, all of the three KO mice were viable and fertile, showing little or no histological abnormalities under normal conditions. However, detailed analysis revealed that the fertility of Neat1 female KO mice was severely decreased, and Gomafu KO mice showed increased locomotive activity in certain behavior tests. These observations suggest that these abundant nuclear lncRNAs are not essential for animals' life under laboratory conditions, but still are important for the quality of life.
Host: Tadashi Yamamoto, Cell Signal Unit
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