Seminar "SynPhos - New Concepts in Synthesis" by Prof. Jan J. Weigand, TU Dresden


2018年9月10日 (月) 10:30 11:30




Title: “SynPhos - New Concepts in Synthesis”

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jan J. Weigand,  Professor, TU Dresden


Fundamental research allows us to find new, economically and ecologically attractive ways to meet
current challenges. The uncertainty of available phosphorus resources is an urgent concern. Unlike oil, which is lost once used, phosphorus can be recovered and used over and over again or at least transformed into other P-compounds of chemical use. The intention of our research is to contribute to the field of synthetic chemistry both, inorganic and organic, by identifying and developing highly-reactive phosphorus reagents that can be potentially regenerated. In particular, we are interested in Weiss-type compounds[1] which are containing N– (12+, 23+) or C–based (32+, 43+) ligands (Scheme).[2,3]

We are entering new avenues of phosphorus chemistry and address fundamental questions to develop new applications which can also be extended to the heavier group 15 congeners. Using novel and powerful phosphorus reagents, new concepts for more efficient, selective and sustainable synthetic procedures are developed.[4] Our research also intends to develop greener and more efficient processes and, whenever possible, to recover the phosphorus after the reaction. Thus, novel phosphorus-based compounds can be used in the recovery of industrial waste by-products such as phosphane oxides and, therefore, have a positive impact on certain chemical industries and the environment.[5]

(1) Weiss, R.; Engel, S. Synthesis, 1991, 1077-1078; b) Weiss, R.; Engel, S. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 1992, 31,
(2) Feldmann, K.-O.; Weigand, J. J. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 6566-6568.
(3) Weigand, J. J.; Feldmann, K.-O.; Henne, F. D. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 16321-16323.
(4) Weigand, J. J.; Feldmann, K.-O.; Echterhoff, A. K. C.; Ehlers, A.; Lammertsma, K. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2010,
49, 6178-6181.
(5) Feldmann, K.-O.; Schulz, S.; Klotter, F.; Weigand, J. J. ChemSusChem, 2011, 4, 1805-1812.


Prof. Dr. Jan J. Weigand

Jan J. Weigand obtained his Dr. rer nat. in 2005 from the LMU Munich. Awarded in 2005 with the Bavarian culture prize and with a Lynen Scholarship from the AvH foundation he did his postdoctoral research at Dalhousie University Halifax. With the “Lynen Return Fellwopship” he started his habilitation at the WWU Münster 2008 and was shortly after awarded with a Liebig scholarship. In 2010 he became fellow of the Emmy Noether research program (DFG), obtained the Wöhler research award for young scientist and 2012 an “ERC starting grant”. 2013 he became Full-Professor at the TU University Dresden and 2015 professor for inorganic molecular chemistry. His group is interested in main group element chemistry and coordination chemistry, particularly f-block elements. His research interest includes also sustainable chemistry, solvent extraction, medicinal phosphorus chemistry, applied inorganic chemistry and heterogenous catalyst development. He currently is also a guest professor at Pavia University (Italy)




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