
Dr. Julia Khusnutdinova, Assistant Professor
ジュリア・クスヌディノワ 博士(准教授)
Email: juliak at oist.jp
I joined OIST in May 2015 as an Assistant Professor leading Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis Unit. Before OIST, I was a Dean of Faculty postdoctoral fellow at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel in the group of David Milstein where I worked on catalysis by pincer Ru complexes and CO 2 hydrogenation. I obtained a Ph.D. in organometallic chemistry from the University of Maryland in the U.S.A. studying aerobic functionalization of organoplatinum complexes. I also studied unusual organometallic Pd(III) complexes at Washington University in St. Louis.
I am leading the Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis Unit (CCCU) at OIST and my current research interests are in the design of new polymetallic transition metal complexes that can participate in multi-electron, multi-proton transfer reactions relevant to renewable energy production such as CO2 reduction to liquid fuel, and in the design of stimuli-responsive polymers.

Dr. Ayumu Karimata, Postdoctoral Researcher
狩俣 歩博士(ポストドクトラルリサーチャー)
Ayumu Karimata (born in Okinawa, Japan) received B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D degree in physical organic chemistry under supervision of Prof. Keiji Okada at Osaka City University. In 2015, he joined Molecular Engineering Institute, Kindai University, as a postdoctoral researcher and conducted research regarding polymer chemistry with Prof. Takeshi Endo. On March 2017, he started a new research in the Khusnutdinova unit. He likes to watch movies, read books and go hiking.

Dr. SM Wahidur Rahaman, Staff Scientist
SM ワヒドゥル・ラハマン博士 (スタッフサイエンティスト)
Wahidur obtained his MSc from the University of Kalyani in 2004 and his PhD at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in the group of Prof. Jitendra K. Bera in 2012 on C–H activation, and DFT calculation. In 2015 he was awarded the Marie Curie Fellowship and joined the Department of Chemistry at the LCC, CNRS, France. In this project he worked on the mechanistic studies of metal catalyzed radical termination. Since January 2018, he joined as a staff scientist at OIST.

Dr. Govindarajan Ramadoss, Postdoctoral Scholar
ゴヴィンダラジャン・ラマダス 博士 (ポストドクトラルリサーチャー)
Dr. R. Govindarajan obtained his M.Sc. from Loyola College (University of Madras), India in 2010 and in 2017 he received his Ph.D. from Pondicherry University in the group of Prof. Bala. Manimaran. During his Ph.D. he had developed several discrete metallasupramolecular complexes and investigated their molecular recognition abilities. In 2017, he was awarded DST-National Postdoc fellowship to work in the research group of Prof. Swadhin Mandal at Institute of Science Education and Research-Kolkata, India. There he worked on "transition metal mimicking catalyst". On April 2019, he took up a postdoc position in the Khusnutdinova unit.

Dr. Yu-Tao He, Postdoctoral Scholar
ユタオ・ハ 博士 (ポストドクトラルリサーチャー)
Yu-Tao He (Born in Liaoning province, China in 1987) obtained his doctor degree in organic chemistry from Lanzhou University in the group of Prof. Yong-Min Liang. In 2017, he joined the center for catalytic hydrocarbon functionalization at the Institute for Basic Science (Korea) as a postdoctoral fellow and conducted research regarding photochemistry with Prof. Sungwoo Hong. On April 2019, he joined Khusnutdinova unit at OIST as a postdoctoral scholar. Outside of Lab, he likes playing basketball, swimming and watching movies.

Dr. Olga Gladkovskaya, Lab Technician
Olga has graduated in 2011 from School of Chemistry, Rostov State University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia), with degree in Inorganic and Solid State Chemistry. She received her PhD from National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) in the field of cell biology and biomaterials. Her main research under supervision of Dr. Yury Rochev (CURAM) and Dr. Gerard O'Connor (NCLA) was dedicated to interaction of Quantum Dots with macrophage cells, in vitro nanoparticles quantification and immune responses. During the PhD she collaborated with Respiratory Medicine Centre in Connolly Hospital (Blanchardstown, Dublin, Ireland), where she performed measurements of regulatory T cells population in asthmatic patients. In 2016 she has joined King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia as postdoctoral researcher. In the recent project in Omar Mohammed group (KSC) she investigated on perovskite nanocrystal property modifications.

Sébastien Lapointe, PhD Student
Email: sebastien.lapointe at oist.jp
Sébastien (Born in Montréal, Québec, Canada in 1989) received his master degree in Chemistry from Université de Montréal (Montréal, Canada) in 2015 with Pr. Davit Zargarian. His research focused on studying the electronic properties, reactivities and catalytic activities of a family of cationic POCOP pincer complexes of nickel. While in Pr. Zargarian’s lab, he was able to obtain hands-on training on small molecules x-ray diffraction, as well as gaining many different skills related to organometallic chemistry. During his master studies, he attended different international and Canadian conferences, such as ISHC 2014 (International symposium on homogeneous catalysis, Ottawa, 2014), CSC 2013 (Canadian society of chemistry, Québec city, 2013), SACIQ and IDW. In January 2016, he joined Pr. Julia Khusnutdinova in CCCU as a rotation student, and later join her group officially as a PhD student in September 2016 working on new bulky pincer complexes of first row transition metals for small molecule activation (e.g. CO2, O2 reduction). When he’s not working hard in the lab, he enjoys computer and console gaming, as well as exploring the great diversity of food, views and environment of the paradisiac island of Okinawa.

Shubham Deolka, PhD Student
Email: Shubham.Deolka2 at oist.jp
Born in India (1995), I joined in OIST in September (2017) as PhD. Student. Before OIST I was a DST-INSPIRE fellow in IISER-Kolkata, India focusing on crystal engineering especially thermo-responsive materials and mechanical responsive organic crystals under the supervision of Prof Reddy. Currently working on hangman pincer ligand with Ruthenium and Manganese metals for the activation of small molecules.

James Osborne, PhD Rotation Student
Born in Johannesburg, South Africa (1996); I joined OIST in September 2019 and am currently a rotation student in the Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis Unit led by Dr. Khusnutdinova. Prior to moving to Okinawa, I obtained my Master’s degree at the University of Birmingham with my final year spent working in the Synthesis and Catalysis Unit under the supervision of Dr Paul Davies. Outside of the lab I enjoy watching and playing sports such as football, rugby and cricket as well as travelling to new places.

Minh Hoan Dinh, PhD Rotation Student
ホアン・ディン (博士課程ラボローテーション学生)
Hoan (born in Gia Lai, Vietnam in 1995) is currently a rotation student at CCCU working on Ru and Mn complexes with macrocyclic ligands for small molecule activation and hydrogenation catalysis.

Juan David Villada Morales, Research Intern
フアン・デイヴィッド・ヴィラダ・モラレス (リサーチインターン)
(Born in Colombia, 1991):I received my master’s degree in chemistry from Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia) in 2018 in the group of Prof. Manuel Chaur, on the design of organic ligands for the construction of molecular switches and grid like complexes. Currently I am a research intern at OIST.

Aleksandr Sorvanov, Research Intern
アレクサンドル・スロバノフ (リサーチインターン)
Aleksandr (born in Archangelsk, Russia) have received his M.Sc degree at the Tomsk State University in 2019 under the supervision of Prof. Bakibaev. Now he is enjoying his life as research intern at OIST, working on synthesis of manganese complexes for Aryl-X and Aryl-H bond fluorination. Outside of the lab, he either reading, playing sports (basketball or soccer) or exploring Okinawa Island.
Ms. Kyoko Chinen, Research Unit Administrator
I was born in Okinawa, and has always been interested in language and culture. Now I am so excited working with people from such diverse backgrounds. I am currently obsessed with martial arts (Brazilian jiu-jitsu purple belt), yoga and growing herbs and vegetables in the balcony of my small apartment.

Dr. Eugene Khaskin, Science Technology Associate
ハサキン ユージーン博士 (サイエンステクノロジーアソシエイト)
Email: eugene.khaskin at oist.jp
I joined OIST in May 2015 as a researcher in the Science and Technology group who will cooperate with the Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis Unit on some projects. Before OIST, I received my BSc from SFU in Canada in 2003. At this time, I also worked as a researcher for a business/academic venture based at SFU that focused on controlling pest insects by mating disruption methods, or the synthesis of a particular insect's sex pheromone blend and dispersal over the affected area. The work involved close cooperation with biologists and took place mostly during the summers and most of 2003. I joined the Vedernikov group at UMD in College Park (USA) and received my PhD in 2009 on CH activation and aerobic oxidation of Pt complexes. Later in 2009 I joined the Milstein group at the Weizmann institute (Israel) as a Marie Curie international fellow doing research on Ru and Co based complex reactivity and catalysis. After a stint at the Volcani Agricultural Institute (Israel) in the Poverenov group (synthesis of anti-bacterial surfaces vie electopolymerization/electodeposition methods on surfaces such as stainless steel) I returned to the Milstein group at the Weizmann in 2014 for one year.