ビジネス革新 変化を創ろう~科学、技術、ダイバーシティを通じて~Business innovations through science, technology and diversity


Saturday, February 22, 2020 - 10:00 to 11:00


Conference Center Auditorium カンファレンスセンター 講堂


Mr. Daisuke Kan, Exective Director of Cheerio Corporation, LTD, will talk about the different approaches he has used to evolve his business through science, technology and diversity.  He will share tips on unique problem solving and question setting techniques that have helped his company to improve efficiency and produce strong business results.

This event is free and open to the community.  Please register at the link. Please join the networking event after  the lecture.

For more information, please email diversity@oist.jp or call 098-966-1503


株式会社チェリオコーポレーション専務取締役の管 大介氏をお招きし、科学、技術、人間の価値観を通してビジネスを進化させる為の様々なアプローチの仕方についてお話頂くと共に、会社が効率を上げ、好業績を残すのに役立つユニークな問題解決と質問設定のテクニックをご紹介頂きます。


お問合せ:email diversity@oist.jp / tel 098-966-1503










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