Role of actin dynamics in reprogramming and fate determination of cells


Wednesday, April 4, 2018 - 14:00 to 15:00


C016 (Lab1, Level C)


Dear All,

Cell Signal Unit (Yamamoto Unit) would like to inform you of a seminar by Dr. Hideyuki Saya from School of Medicine, Keio University.



Date: Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Time: 14:00-15:00

Venue: C016, Level C, Lab 1



Dr. Hideyuki Saya, School of Medicine, Keio University

Role of actin dynamics in reprogramming and fate determination of cells

We previously reported that inactivation of MKL1, a monomeric G-actin binding transcriptional coactivator, via actin cytoskeleton dynamics drives adipocyte differentiation of multipotent fibroblastic preadipocytes (Nobusue et al., 2014). In addition, we found that the expression of ACTA2 which encodes α-smooth muscle actin is induced by MKL1 activation and is required for the maintenance of the fibroblastic phenotype of preadipocytes. We here investigate the role of MKL1 in the adipocyte-fibroblast conversion. By using Tet-On system, we induced expression of MKL1 in matured adipocytes and found that they lost the expression of adipocyte differentiation markers and became expandable multipotent fibroblastic progenitor cells both in vitro and in vivo. In addition, withdrawal of doxycycline did not cause a reversal of the fibroblastic phenotypes, suggesting that MKL1 is a factor for reprogramming adipocytes into a fibroblastic progenitor state. We also demonstrated that MKL1 induction reprograms matured chondrocytes into fibroblastic progenitors. Therefore, the link between actin dynamics and MKL1 plays a major role in reprogramming and fate determination of some cells types.

Prof. Tadashi Yamamoto


We hope to see many of you at the seminar.


Best regards,

Yuki Nakagawa

Research Unit Administrator

Cell Signal Unit

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