Large-sale genetic analysis of various cancers for personalized medicine


Wednesday, March 3, 2021 - 11:00 to 12:00


L4F01 (Lab4, Level F) or ZOOM


Dear All,

Cell Signal Unit (Yamamoto Unit) would like to inform you of a seminar by Dr. Yukihide Momozawa from RIKEN.


Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Time: 11:00-12:00

Venue: L4F01 (Lab4) or ZOOM


                            Meeting ID: 980 4000 1132
                            **If you need the passcode, please send e-mail to "yuki.nakagawa[at]".



Dr. Yukihide Momozawa, RIKEN

Large-sale genetic analysis of various cancers for personalized medicine

Cancer is a typical complex disease caused by both genetic and environmental factors. We have identified genetic variants associated with various cancers for personalized medicine with the collaboration of the BioBank Japan, the University of Tokyo. Our laboratory especially focuses on a monogenic type of cancer caused by pathogenic variants in hereditary cancer genes such as BRCA1/2. Although it is famous that Angelina Jolie removed breast and ovary to reduce cancer risk based on a genetic test, this field is expanding in terms of cancer type, genes, clinical phenotype, and target drugs. I will present recent studies with >50,000 samples about breast, prostate, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers.

Prof. Tadashi Yamamoto


We hope to see many of you at the seminar.


Best regards,

Yuki Nakagawa

Research Unit Administrator

Cell Signal Unit

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