Imaging and single-cell analyses of sensory nerves in barrier-impaired, itchy skin


Thursday, November 8, 2018 - 15:00 to 16:00


C016 (Lab1, Level C)


Dear All,

Cell Signal Unit (Yamamoto Unit) would like to inform you of a seminar by Dr. Takaharu Okada from RIKEN.


Date: Thursday, November 8, 2018

Time: 15:00-16:00

Venue: C016, Level C, Lab 1



Dr. Takaharu Okada from RIKEN

Imaging and single-cell analyses of sensory nerves in barrier-impaired, itchy skin

The skin barrier protects from invasions of external agents, and regulate immune and, most likely, nerve responses to them. Indeed, skin barrier impairment is known to cause chronic inflammatory and itchy conditions such as atopic dermatitis. However, the mechanisms of how barrier impairment leads to activation of sensory nerves that transmit itch are incompletely understood. By intravital imaging analysis of sensory nerves, we have found that epidermal nerve endings are constitutively remodeled through interactions with the skin barrier structure, and that impairment of the barrier disrupts the nerve remodeling. We have also observed that sensory nerve activation may be initiated in association with the disrupted remodeling of nerve endings. By single cell RNA-sequencing analysis, we begin to better understand which subset of sensory neurons are affected in the inflammatory and itchy condition caused by skin barrier impairment, and what molecular mechanisms are possibly involved in their interactions with the skin barrier.

Prof. Tadashi Yamamoto

We hope to see many of you at the seminar.


Best regards,

Yuki Nakagawa

Research Unit Administrator

Cell Signal Unit

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