Kyued Up Session 2


Saturday, February 22, 2014 - 14:00 to 17:00


Center Building C210


You have an opportunity to take part in an exclusive workshop sponsored by the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology to design business ideas for Okinawa.

Kyued Up is an interactive workshop that uses Design Thinking, a methodology developed at Stanford University. It aims to foster innovation and to promote the sustained development of Okinawa, two of OIST’s foundational goals. Over two months, the workshop will bring together local and international scientists, designers, and entrepreneurs to prototype solutions, start-ups and technologies to impact Okinawa.

Here are some ways that you can get involved:

Become a Local Expert

If you live in Okinawa, you can apply for an exclusive “behind the scenes” view. If selected, you will offer your expertise in person by attending parts of the workshop at OIST. We hope you will benefit from experiencing Design Thinking and then share this knowledge with your colleagues and other organizations in Okinawa. Not only is this an incredible opportunity to impact the Okinawan community but it is also a fantastic way to acquire new skills!

Become an Online Mentor

If you can’t visit Kyued Up@OIST in person, you can still share your skills and expertise through our online platform as a Mentor. Each week, you will review at least one group’s business proposal and provide constructive criticism and insights on opportunities in Okinawa. This is an incredible chance to work with an international community from Google, World Bank, USAID, MIT and Cambridge University.

Become an Ambassador

Support us by sharing this opportunity with your network. We welcome talented and passionate people.

Please communicate this as widely as possible and visit the website to join the Kyued Up community online!

Kyued Up will be held every Saturday afternoon between February 15 and March 29, so be sure to join us in designing the future of Okinawa through business before it ends!

Kyued Up Team

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Application Deadline

Monday, February 10, 2014 - 00:00

Subscribe to the OIST Calendar: Right-click to download, then open in your calendar application.