*zoom*【Technical Seminar】Latest Advances in 10x Genomics’ Single Cell and Visium Spatial Gene Expression Solutions by Dr.Leo Chan

DNA sequencing section would like to invite you to the following seminar by Dr.Leo Chan.
He will introduce Latest Advances in 10x Genomics.
This will be a precious opportunity for you to learn the latest advances in Targeted Gene Expression, Chromium Single Cell Immune Profiling v2 with Feature Barcode Technology, and the Visium Spatial Gene Expression Solution with Immunofluorescence.
- Date: 19th August (Wed)
- Time: 10:30〜12:00
- Place: online(zoom)
Zoom link: https://10xgenomics.zoom.us/j/95801944644?pwd=YlFkaXJIaTRVYXNvYUdEbmNMYVNRUT09
Meeting ID: 958 0194 4644
Pass code: 865776
- Title: Latest Advances in 10x Genomics’ Single Cell and VisiumSpatial Gene Expression Solutions
- Speaker: Science & Technology Advisor, Leo Chan, Ph.D.,
- Language: English
As we enter a century where transformative advances will reshape the way we examine biological complexities from single cells and tissues,researchers need approaches that can keep up with the fast pace of their science. At 10x Genomics, we provide single cell and spatial solutions that enable you to drive the leading edge of what’s possible.
Join us for this webinar to hear about our latest advances in Targeted Gene Expression, Chromium Single Cell Immune Profiling v2 with Feature Barcode Technology, and the Visium Spatial Gene Expression Solution with Immunofluorescence.
We hope to see many of you there.
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