OIST Gardening Club
OIST Gardening club
Gardening for a greener (and tastier) tomorrow!
Meeting every Wednesday evening in West Court Garden.
Spring/Summer time: 6pm-7:30pm
(approx April 16th - Sept 15th)
Autumn/Winter time: 5pm - 6:30pm
(approx Sept 16th - April 15th)
Use the Okinawan sunshine to learn how to grow plants, herbs, fruit or veggies in a sustainable way, and keep the neighbourhood alive and flowerishing!
If you want to compost household organics, or grow organic edibles, or simply spend some time outdoors learning some useful skills, join the club!
Contact: oistgarden@oist.jp
Subscribe to the OIST Calendar: Right-click to download, then open in your calendar application.