[RAM 2021] Teatime Session: "Sweet Home...Okinawa!"

Thursday, July 8, 2021 - 16:00
L4F22c or Zoom
Mark your calendar! On Thursday, July 8th at 16:00, OIST's STG Associates Mirona Chirienco and Petra Svetlikova will share insights of their research & career with us during the Teatime with STG Series! This editions' topic is "Sweet Home...Okinawa!" a special topic for all of us that now call this beautiful island our home. Join us in room L4F22c* or Zoom (https://oist.zoom.us/j/84610930360?pwd=YmRybTR4UjhCUjI3OFAxQ2txRnEvZz09)!
Speaker | Research Field | Leading Discussion Topic |
Mirona Chirienco, M.S. | Stable Isotope Geochemistry | Carbonate rocks and karst landscapes in Okinawa |
Petra Svetlikova, Ph.D. | Plant Ecology And Physiology | Ecophysiology And Diversity of Parasitic and Mycoheterotrophic Plants in Okinawa |
And please remember:
全員マスク着用の徹底 / Wear a mask at all time
徹底的に手の消毒などを実施 / Disinfect your hands often and thoroughly
* Attendance in-person is limited to 50% of the room's capacity
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