[RAM 2021] Teatime Session: "Sweet Home...Okinawa!"


2021年7月8日 (木) 16:00


L4F22c or Zoom


Mark your calendar! On Thursday, July 8th at 16:00, OIST's STG Associates Mirona Chirienco and Petra Svetlikova will share insights of their research & career with us during the Teatime with STG Series! This editions' topic is "Sweet Home...Okinawa!" a special topic for all of us that now call this beautiful island our home. Join us in room L4F22c* or Zoom (https://oist.zoom.us/j/84610930360?pwd=YmRybTR4UjhCUjI3OFAxQ2txRnEvZz09)!

Speaker Research Field  Leading Discussion Topic
Mirona Chirienco, M.S. Stable Isotope Geochemistry Carbonate rocks and karst landscapes in Okinawa
Petra Svetlikova, Ph.D. Plant Ecology And Physiology Ecophysiology And Diversity of Parasitic and Mycoheterotrophic Plants in Okinawa

And please remember:

全員マスク着用の徹底 / Wear a mask at all time
徹底的に手の消毒などを実施 /  Disinfect your hands often and thoroughly

* Attendance in-person is limited to 50% of the room's capacity

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