Testimonial: Mr. Koji Kawakami

Mr. Koji Kawakami shares his experience as a research intern at Protein Engineering and Evolution Unit led by Dr. Paola Laurino.


1.How and why did you decide to apply for this program?

Three years ago in March, I heard about OIST from my senior, You Nakahara (currently a fifth-year medical student) who was probably the first intern from Keio University at OIST and I started thinking that I would definitely do an internship at OIST sometime during my six years of medical school. Last year, I applied for and was accepted by the Laurino Unit, but just before my departure I contracted coronavirus and had to give up the program. This year, I applied again and was accepted. Although my internship period was very short (only one month, due to exams), I was very happy to be able to participate this program and fulfill a long-held dream of mine.

2.Please tell us what you expected from the program before participating in it and how you feel about your experience. (Please also include what you like about the program and areas for improvement if any.)

Before I came to OIST, I did not know anyone at OIST and I was very nervous on the plane to Okinawa. I was very happy to find that everyone was very kind and tried their best to understand and communicate with me, even though I spoke in broken English. I have nothing but good things to say about OIST. If I must mention a point that might be improved, there was no desk light in my room.  That was my only issue.

3.What was your typical day like as an OIST research intern? 

I usually wake up at 6:30 a.m., run around the house and eat breakfast. I started experiments in the lab at 9:00 a.m. with my supervisor. From 12:00-13:00, I go to Yun-Taku and eat lunch with my roommate or friends from Ultimate Frisbee Club or anyone else there. Then I would go back to the lab to continue experiments and finish up the day at around 17:00. After that, I attended lectures related to my fields of interest (biochemistry, medicine) as often as possible or joined club activities (Ultimate Frisbee Club, Football Club, Ukulele Society) to meet new people.
 I tried to make friends and communicate with as many people as possible to talk about everything from research to trivial matters.

4.How did  you spend your weekends?

Since I am the captain of the handball team at Keio University, I had to do some work related to the team. I also went shopping and studied medicine. My roommates, friends from Ultimate Frisbee Club or PhD students from the Laurino Unit took me snorkeling and to the mangrove forest. We also cooked dinner together. I also spent time reading the articles for the Unit's weekly meetings.

5.Other (Free comments)

It has been a real fruitful month for me. Every day there was something new during my stay and I feel sad that I must go back to Tokyo tomorrow. It is frustrating that I could only stay at OIST for a short period of time because of my curriculum.
 I heard that Keio students one grade below me are now able to join this internship program for longer period. I would recommend that those who are interested in this program to go to the basic medical science lab at Keio University before coming to OIST in order to acquire basic skills and knowledge(otherwise, you will not be able to do anything in the research labs at OIST) .
 In my case, since the internship was postponed by one year, I could gain some experience and knowledge in a lab at Keio University before I came to OIST. Furthermore, the research field of the Laurino Unit was quite close to my own research field. I think those things helped me get by. If you think about it, the people around you at OIST are those who are coming to obtain PhD or have already obtained it. It takes a strong spirit to enter into discussions with such people and I feel that such spirit is not easily acquired.