“Bio-Inspired Wonders and Energy Innovation”

OIST x Kyudai Joint Symposium Series 1

Towards new technologies that will change our life.

By Hiroyo Clemente and Mari Bergsvåg

OIST has dynamically established several partnerships with major academic institutions across Japan. Among these collaborators, one of most recent and significant endeavors pairs OIST with the Kyushu University/Kyudai), a pivotal neighbor of mainland Japan. On 29 February 2024, almost one year after a rather broad agreement was signed by both institutions, a mini-conference was held at OIST. On the program 26 scientific presentations considered most relevant for current and future collaborations.

Professor Natsuko Hamamura, Kyudai, chair
Assistant Professor Ryota Kabe, OIST, chair

The presentations were thoughtfully grouped into three sessions, each delving into distinct yet interrelated realms of scientific inquiry and technological innovation. The first one illustrated multiple and not necessarily connected facets of biological research that exploit the advances of modern genomics. Two talks from Kyudai pinpointed opportunities for novel developments; Professor Natsuko Hamamura presented “Exploring microbe-mineral interactions and biotransformation of toxic metalloids for potential application in metal-biotechnology” and Professor Koji Shimoyama presented “Data-driven and data-informed design of fluid machinery”.

Professor Koji Shimoyama, Kyudai

The second session underscored OIST and Kyudai’s mutual interest in pioneering industrial developments with futuristic implications through exciting presentations on nanoscale technologies. The Presentations in this session captivated attendees with their potential that can be a vital asset of both institutions and easily make them converge into groundbreaking joint projects. In particular, Professor Christine Luscombe encouraged collaboration during her talk “Towards sustainable methods to synthesize semiconducting polymers”, pointing out what she could offer and where her unit would need help.

Professor Fujio Tsumori, Kyudai
Professor Christine Luscombe, OIST
Lunch break

The culminating session, aptly titled “cross-disciplinarity themes”, was fascinating, as it covered a broad spectrum of potential industrial innovations based on applied physics and chemistry. This session broadened perspectives, unveiling possibilities that may elude the grasp of the public or those unfamiliar with these specialized fields.

Professor Nicholas Luscombe, OIST
Professor Aya Hagishima, Kyudai

The meeting was introduced by Nicholas Luscombe, genome biologist and the Dean of Research of OIST. Aya Hagishima, Vice president and professor of the faculty of engineering science, delivered the concluding remarks, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between OIST and Kyudai. In essence, it efficiently featured how up-to-date natural sciences will shape tomorrow’s technological world. Kyudai and OIST undoubtedly wish to play a role there that will be even more prominent if they join their efforts.

Poster session:
Professor Shigenori Fujikawa, Kyudai and Associate Professor Toshinori Matsushima, Kyudai


INVITATION PAGE: OIST-Kyudai Joint Symposium Series 1: Bio-Inspired Wonders and Energy Innovations INVITATION


PROGRAM: OIST-Kyudai Joint Symposium Series 1: Bio-Inspired Wonders and Energy Innovations PROGRAM


POSTER SESSION DETAILS: OIST-Kyudai Joint Symposium Series 1: Bio-Inspired Wonders and Energy Innovations POSTER SESSION


Photos: Jeff Prine / Micheal Cooper