ISCW2015 Speakers and Organizers
International Science Communication Workshop 2015
Speakers and Organizers
(In the order of appearance on the program)

Neil Calder / コルダー ニール
Vice President for Communications & Public Relation
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
1989–2001: Head of Office of Communication, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva
2001-2008: Director of Communication, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University
2008–2010: Head of Communication, International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), Cadarache, France
1989–2001: 欧州原子核研究機構 (CERN) [ジュネーブ]、コミュニケーション・オフィス室長
2001-2008: スタンフォード線形加速器センター(現SLAC国立加速器研究所)、コミュニケーション・ディレクター
2008–2010: 国際熱核融合実験炉(ITER) [仏カダラッシュ]、コミュニケーション部長

Valerie Jamieson / ジェイミーソン ヴァレリー
Editorial Content Director
New Scientist
Valerie Jamieson joined New Scientist in 2002 and edited features about the latest ideas in physics, astronomy and mathematics for 13 years. Her work has taken her to the world's highest telescopes, deepest mines, and futuristic laboratories. Born and raised in Scotland, she studied physics at the University of Glasgow. She later did a PhD in high-energy physics before a spell as a researcher at the University of Oxford. Most of her research was spent smashing atoms at a giant accelerator in Hamburg, Germany. She changed career in 1999 and joined Physics World as the magazine's features editor. Among her party tricks, she can show you how to measure the speed of light with a bar of chocolate and extract your own DNA. Valerie believes she has the best job in the universe.
Twitter: @valeriejamieson

Robert Irion / イリオン ロバート
Science Communication Program Director
University of California, Santa Cruz
Robert Irion directs the Science Communication Program at the University of California, Santa Cruz, regarded as one of the world's top courses for new science journalists. The one-year program trains former scientists how to write about science for the general public. Irion has a bachelor's degree in earth and planetary sciences from MIT, and he studied science writing in the Santa Cruz program. He was the U.S. correspondent in astronomy and astrophysics for Science magazine from 1998 to 2006. Irion has written stories about space for many major publications, including National Geographic, Smithsonian, Scientific American, Discover, New Scientist, and COSMOS (Australia). He is the coauthor of One Universe: At Home in the Cosmos (Joseph Henry Press, 2000), a book written with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Charles Liu.

Amane KOIZUMI / 小泉 周
Project Professor
National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Associate Professor:
1997 Graduated from Keio University School of Medicine. Assistant Professor in Department of Physiology, Keio University School of Medicine. 2002 PhD in Neurophysiology, Keio University. 2002-2007 Research Associate, in Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Harvard Medical School, and Massachusetts General Hospital. 2007 Associate Professor, NIPS. 2012 and Current, Project Professor, NINS.
Speciality: Vision research, Neurophysiology. From 2007, Science Communication and public relations.

Euan McKay / マッカイ ユアン
特任研究員 Project Researcher
東京大学本部広報室 Public Relations Office, The University of Tokyo
My principle responsibility is to promote the University of Tokyo's research to domestic and foreign audiences, and to this end I work almost exclusively in cooperation with my colleague Dr Ayumi Koso, also in the Public Relations Office of the university central administration. We run the University of Tokyo's research showcase website (UTokyo Research), and organise events (UTokyo Research, on site) for foreign media to build connections between researchers at the University of Tokyo and foreign media and embassy science attachés. I also write English-language press releases. Through this event I hope to share our experiences and the challenges we have faced over the last four years developing and running UTokyo Research, and to learn how other universities in Japan are tackling the difficult question of how to get noticed internationally.
東京大学本部広報室で東京大学の研究成果の国内外の発信を担当しています。同僚の高祖歩美特任研究員と一緒に研究紹介ウェブサイト「UTokyo Research」や研究室を紹介するイベント「UTokyo Research, on site」の企画運営に携わっています。これらの活動を通して、特に本学の研究者と海外メディアや駐日大使館科学アタシェとの関係構築・強化に務めています。その他にも、英語プレスリリースを書いています。今回のワークショップを通して、これまでの4年間のUTokyo Researchでの経験を共有し、研究成果を海外に向けて発信している他大学の経験から学びたいと考えています。

Norifumi Miyokawa / 三代川 典史
Senior Research Administrator
Hiroshima University
After working in the Education Section of the Australian Embassy in Tokyo, I pursued graduate studies in the UK and Singapore, and finally obtained a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration at Penn State University, USA. During and after the doctoral study years, I continued to work for Penn State’s University Office of Global Programs. Currently, at Hiroshima University, I am in charge of internationalization of its research activities. With my colleagues, I am attempting to develop a support system for international conferences organized by our faculty members and to expand the Writing Center’s functions to help them publicize their research outcomes internationally. Additionally, our university research administrator team has just begun to make serious endeavors to disseminate the information on the university’s research activities through such international online news platforms as EurekAlert! and AlphaGalileo. I look forward to meeting with as many people interested in science communications as possible during the workshop.

Tomoko Kurata / 倉田 智子
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor (URA)
自然科学研究機構 基礎生物学研究所 広報室 / Office of Public Relations, National Institute for Basic Biology, National Institutes of Natural Science
2003 PhD in Biology. From 2006, Public relations staff of NIBB.
I'm a writer, photographer, video creator, event planner, press officer, and a teacher of science education.

Saeko Okada / 岡田 小枝子
高エネルギー加速器研究機構 広報室
After obtained her bachelor degree in agriculture from the University of Tsukuba in 1985, Saeko Okada worked as a trainee for several years at Advanced Research Laboratory, Hitachi. Later in 1997, she started her career as medical writer, working at the same time as a part time secretary at the University of Tokyo. After working at the PR office of the School of Science, the University of Tokyo in 2003, she moved to RIKEN in 2004 and made the basis of its global PR activities, as well as promoting those targeted the young generation or female who are interested in but not familiar with science. In 2012, she moved to KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, and heading the PR office since 2014. She started up Japan Association of Communication for Science and Technology in 2007 and is serving as its chairman.

David Hajime Kornhauser / 今羽右左 デイヴィッド 甫
シニアURA/Senior URA
京都大学 学術研究支援室(KURA)/Kyoto University KURA
In the absence of a proper international communications office at the university level, I broadly assist departments and central offices of Kyoto University with matters related to overseas public and media affairs. Born and raised in the United States, I have done communications-related work in the foreign service, as well as in several Japanese organizations including the Washington DC bureau of Nippon TV. I'll soon be entering my 6th year at KU.
●略歴/short bio:
(生憎日本語のみ… alas only in Japanese)

Masaaki Hiramatsu / 平松 正顕
Interim Chief Public Information Officer
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
I obtained PhD in astronomy in 2008 and worked as a postdoc in Taiwan for 3 years. Then I came back to Japan as a Public Outreach Officer of the NAOJ ALMA project, the most advanced radio telescope in Chile. ALMA is an international collaboration between East Asia, North America, Europe, and Chile, and the public outreach activity of the project also goes international. I have been learning a lot from international partners. I took up the post of the Chief Public Information Officer at NAOJ in December 2014, and now I am responsible for all the press releases from NAOJ. In this workshop, I introduce a use case of an international news service AlphaGalileo as an invited talk, and the ALMA’s international public outreach activities as a poster presentation.

Soh Osuka / 大須賀 壮
Strategies and Communications Section, Global Relations and Research Coordination Office, RIKEN
For around 10 years, my section have been in charge of global communication of RIKEN focusing on targeting young researchers and student, in order to attract great talent from around the world. Now we started to try increasing our standing not only in the academia but also in the general public globally. This is challenging for us but must be overcome in the near future.
My background
2011- Manager, Strategies and Communications Section Global Relations Office, RIKEN
2004-2011 Research Priority Planning Member, Research Priority Committee, RIKEN
2002-2005 Research Associate, Brain Science Institute, RIKEN
2008- Part-time Lecturer in Research Ethics, Tsukuba University, JAPAN
2006- Member of the Institutional Review Board, Waseda University, JAPAN
2006- Part-time Lecturer in Research Integrity, Waseda University, JAPAN
Jens Wilkinson / ウィルキンソン ジェンズ
Global Communications Officer
After working as a translator for many years, in 2011 I moved to RIKEN, where I am in charge of international communications. My job involves putting out press releases, news items, managing the English website, helping to produce an English magazine and annual report, and also helping to produce our internal English newsletter. I hope to talk with other participants about issues that they face, in areas such as making joint press releases and handling press releases with journals that publish immediately upon acceptance.

Kaoru Natori / 名取 薫
広報メディアセクションリーダー / Media Section Leader
沖縄科学技術大学院大学 / Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
I joined OIST in 2007 after working 5 years at the press office of the US embassy in Tokyo. Prior to that, I spent two years in USA for her master's degree in journalism. As the head of the OIST Media Section, I am primarily in charge of the OIST Web stories, media relations, and publications including the OIST brochures. I look forward to deepening discussions on international science communications and networking with fellow participants during the upcoming workshop.

Dennis Normile / ノーマイル デニス
Japan/Asia correspondent
Dennis Normile has been the Japan/Asia correspondent for Science, the weekly scientific journal published by the AAAS in Washington, since 1995. He wrote about the 2003 SARS outbreak from Hong Kong, the avian influenza crisis from Vietnam and China, the challenges of dengue from Thailand and the cause and impact of Supertyphoon Haiyan from the Philippines. Within Japan, he has written extensively about various aspects of Japan's triple disaster of March 11, 2011. He has also followed the drive to internationalize Japan's universities.

Youhei Morita / 森田 洋平
准副学長(広報担当) / Associate Vice President for Communications and Public Relation
沖縄科学技術大学院大学 / OIST
I am responsible for attracting and organizing international conferences and workshops. In addition, I participate the planning of various kinds of publicity and media related events for OIST.