Quantum Dynamics Unit (Denis Konstantinov)
Unit outline
In the Quantum Dynamics Unit, we explore many-particle quantum systems, in particular their intercation with electromagnetic radiation, to discover new quantum phenomena and, where applicable, harness them for quantum technologies. Electrons on liquid helium provide an excellent experimental platform to investigate quantum many-body physics and explore new exotic states of matter. Our current work is focused on novel photo-transport phenomena, collective coupling of electron ensembles to cavity modes, electron crystals, as well as potential application of electron spins for quantum computing. Coupled electron-nuclear spin ensembles in some crystalline solids, such as easy-plane antiferromagnets, is another system of interest to us. For more details, visit our Research page.
Latest Posts
Shan's defense and new job
Congratulations to Shan Zou for succefully defending her PhD thesis "Detection of the Rydberg states of electrons on superfluid helium in microchannel devices" and starting a new job in Intel. Enjoy your new position and let's keep in touch regarding the progress towards qubits on liquid helium!
Yui's new position
Yui Kubo moved to the Science and Technology Group in OIST and became an independent PI, leading the Hybrid Quantum Device Team. Congratulations and good luck with the projects!
Erika moved to RIKEN
Congratulations to Erika Kawakami for obtaining an independent PI position in RIKEN to start a new experimental group Floating-Electron-Based Quantum Informations. All the best with this new exciting venture!