Past Events

OIST Science Challenge 2015

2015-03-08 to 2015-03-14
OIST Campus
Application required. Go to for more information and application.

[Time changed] Seminar: Dopamine neurons, synapses and susceptibility in Parkinson’s disease by Prof. J. Paul Bolam

Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. J. Paul Bolam, from the MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit at the University of Oxford. Title: "Dopamine neurons, synapses and susceptibility in Parkinson’s disease"

[Time changed]Seminar: Rethinking Habituation: New Insights into the Complexity of the Simplest Form of Learning, by Prof Catharine Rankin

D014 Meeting Room, Lab 1 Level D
Seminar: Prof Catharine Rankin from UBC talks on the complexity of habituation, the simplest form of learning

Seminar: Correlation effects in skew scattering of electrons, by Prof Tim Ziman

D014 Meeting Room, Level D, Lab 1
Prof Timothy Ziman, ILL/Université Joseph Fourier Seminar on skew scattering of electrons including eff ects of critical spin fluctuations on anomalous and spin Hall e ffects in ferromagnetic alloys.

OIST Café in 東京

東京都千代田区神田駿河台4-4 丸中ビル 4F LEN貸し会議室「御茶ノ水ニコライ堂前」 会議室E

Seminar: Real Time Vision Applications, Prof Donald Bailey, Massey University

The use of field programmable gate arrays for implementing embedded vision algorithms.

"Understanding Adolescence: From Basic Science to Public Policy" Harlene Hayne

B250 Seminar Room, Center Bldg
Vice-Chancellor & Professor of Psychology, University of Otago. English with no interpretation. 講演会は英語のみになります。

"Mini" OIST Café in Tokyo

Speaker: Dr. Harry Wilson, Academic Service section manager.

"Mini" OIST café in Kobe

Space Alfa Sannomiya
Speaker will be Taichiro Sakagami from OIST Open Biology Unit, who is from Kobe! スピーカーは神戸出身の坂上太一郎技術員(OISTオープンバイオロジーユニット)!

Toward Making the Invisible and Complicated Understandable: Microscopy Across Scales and Modalities

A seminar of general interest to all imaging scientists, especially those in the life sciences. Prof Mark Ellisman is the Director of the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research (UC San Diego) and the founding director of the UCSD Center for Research in Biological Systems.
