Past Events

Student Research Presentations

C700 Lab 3
OIST Students present on their Thesis research topics

Student Research Presentations

C700 Lab 3
OIST students will present their research topic to a general audience

Student Research Presentations

C700 (Lab 3 Large Seminar Room)
OIST PhD students present their research topic to a general audience.

Seminar: Plasticity of neuronal networks and single cell properties in the anterior cingulate cortex induced by neuropathic pain, by Prof. Thomas Nevian from University of Bern

Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Thomas Nevian from University of Bern, talks on "Plasticity of neuronal networks and single cell properties in the anterior cingulate cortex induced by neuropathic pain"

Seminar: Evolutionary Robotics, by Prof. Dario Floreano from EPFL

Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Dario Floreano from Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, EPFL talks on "Evolutionary Robotics"

[Time Change] Seminar: Bio-inspired and "bio-compatible" drones, by Prof. Dario Floreano from EPFL

Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Dario Floreano from Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, EPFL talks on "Bio-inspired and "bio-compatible" drones"

Seminar: Predictive Computations in the Primary Visual Cortex, Prof. Michael J. Berry II

Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Michael J. Berry II from Princeton University talks on "Predictive Computations in the Primary Visual Cortex"

Seminar: Advanced Reduced-Order Methods for the Aeroelastic Analysis of Wind Turbine Rotors, by Prof. Fernando Ponta

Meeting Room C016, Level C , Lab 1
Seminar by Prof. Fernando Ponta, "Advanced Reduced-Order Methods for the Aeroelastic Analysis of Wind Turbine Rotors" from 10:00-11:00, March 26 2015.

Seminar: Searching for health-associated bacteria in corals: a story about Endozoicomonas, by Prof. Sen-Lin Tang

Meeting Room C016, Level C , Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Sen-Lin Tang from Academia Sinica talks on Searching for health-associated bacteria in corals: a story about Endozoicomonas

Seminar: Mechanisms of model-based reinforcement learning: Prospection and episodes, by Prof. Nathaniel D. Daw

Seminar Room C210, Level C, Center bldg
Seminar: Prof Nathaniel Daw from New York University talks on "Mechanisms of model-based reinforcement learning: Prospection and episodes"
