Past Events
Student Research Presentations
2015-07-17C700 Lab 3
OIST Students present on their Thesis research topics
Student Research Presentations
2015-07-03C700 Lab 3
OIST students will present their research topic to a general audience
Student Research Presentations
2015-06-19C700 (Lab 3 Large Seminar Room)
OIST PhD students present their research topic to a general audience.
Seminar: Plasticity of neuronal networks and single cell properties in the anterior cingulate cortex induced by neuropathic pain, by Prof. Thomas Nevian from University of Bern
2015-06-11Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Thomas Nevian from University of Bern, talks on "Plasticity of neuronal networks and single cell properties in the anterior cingulate cortex induced by neuropathic pain"
Seminar: Evolutionary Robotics, by Prof. Dario Floreano from EPFL
2015-06-03Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Dario Floreano from Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, EPFL talks on "Evolutionary Robotics"
[Time Change] Seminar: Bio-inspired and "bio-compatible" drones, by Prof. Dario Floreano from EPFL
2015-06-02Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Dario Floreano from Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, EPFL talks on "Bio-inspired and "bio-compatible" drones"
Seminar: Predictive Computations in the Primary Visual Cortex, Prof. Michael J. Berry II
2015-05-18Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Michael J. Berry II from Princeton University talks on "Predictive Computations in the Primary Visual Cortex"
Seminar: Advanced Reduced-Order Methods for the Aeroelastic Analysis of Wind Turbine Rotors, by Prof. Fernando Ponta
2015-03-26Meeting Room C016, Level C , Lab 1
Seminar by Prof. Fernando Ponta, "Advanced Reduced-Order Methods for the Aeroelastic Analysis of Wind Turbine Rotors" from 10:00-11:00, March 26 2015.
Seminar: Searching for health-associated bacteria in corals: a story about Endozoicomonas, by Prof. Sen-Lin Tang
2015-03-19Meeting Room C016, Level C , Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Sen-Lin Tang from Academia Sinica talks on Searching for health-associated bacteria in corals: a story about Endozoicomonas
Seminar: Mechanisms of model-based reinforcement learning: Prospection and episodes, by Prof. Nathaniel D. Daw
2015-03-19Seminar Room C210, Level C, Center bldg
Seminar: Prof Nathaniel Daw from New York University talks on "Mechanisms of model-based reinforcement learning: Prospection and episodes"