Past Events

[PhD Thesis Presentation] ‐ Sho Kasumie - Whispering Gallery Resonators for Sensing and Nonlinear Optics

C700, Level C, Lab3

Thesis Public Presentation

Presenter: Sho Kasumie

Title: Whispering Gallery Resonators for Sensing and Nonlinear Optics

Supervisor: Professor Sile Nic Chormaic

Unit: Light-Matter Interactions for Quantum Technologies Unit

[PhD Thesis Presentation] ‐ Thomas Nieddu - Optical Nanofibers for Multiphoton Processes and Selective Mode Interactions with Rubidium

C700, Level C, Lab3

Thesis Public Presentation

Presenter: Thomas Nieddu

Title: Optical Nanofibers for Multiphoton Processes and Selective Mode Interactions with Rubidium

Date&Time: June 4 2019 14:00 - 15:00

Venue: C700, Level C, Lab3

[Seminar] "Lightly probing the nanoscale" by Prof. Reece

C700, Lab 3 Level C

Title: "Lightly probing the nanoscale"

Speaker: Dr. Peter J. Reece

Affiliation: School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia


Workshop: "How to Interview and Negotiate for Industry Positions"


After attending this skill-building workshop, trainees will have the ability to respond effectively to the most common questions asked when they interview for their first industry research position. Trainees will improve their ability to respond to opening and closing interview scenarios, as well as tough and awkward interview questions. Finally, we will discuss effective—and not-so-effective—strategies for negotiating job offers.

To register CLICK HERE

[Seminar] Crystalline biomacromolecules in vivo: cellulosic thecal plates and liquid crystalline chromosomes by Professor Joseph T.Y. Wong

C210, Lavel C, Ctr Bldg

Title : Crystalline biomacromolecules in vivo: cellulosic thecal plates and liquid crystalline chromosomes

Speaker : Professor Joseph T.Y. Wong

Affiliation : Division of Life Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

[PhD Thesis Presentation] ‐Girish Beedessee‐ Genomic insights on secondary metabolism in symbiotic dinoflagellates

C700, Level C, Lab3

Thesis Public Presentation

Presenter: Girish Beedessee

Title: Genomic insights on secondary metabolism in symbiotic dinoflagellates

Date&Time: April 5th, 9:00-10:00

Venue: C700, Level C, Lab3

3D modeling workshop

C700, Lab3

This workshop will cover the fundamentals of computer vision and structure-from-motion photogrammetry and how they are applied to coral reef biology and ecology.

To register CLICK HERE

[Seminar] Functional organization of the cerebellum during motor learning in mice by Professor Javier F Medina

C209, Lavel C, Ctr Bldg

Title : Functional organization of the cerebellum during motor learning in mice

Speaker : Professor Javier F Medina

Affiliation : Baylor College of Medicine

Science Challenge Final Presentations

B250, Central Building

The Science Challenge is a week-long event where we invite 31 Japanese and international undergrad students to experience the way science is done in OIST.

Throughout the week, among many activities, they will be working on a 4-minute presentation about this year's theme: "Think big, start small".

Come take a peek at what the future of Japanese science will be like.

[Seminar] Programmable formation of catalytic RNA arrays and polygons by assembling modular RNA enzymes by Professor Yoshiya Ikawa

C700, Level C, Lab3

Title: Programmable formation of catalytic RNA arrays and polygons by assembling modular RNA enzymes

Speaker: Professor. Yoshiya Ikawa

Affilication: University of Toyama
