Past Events

[Seminar] "Cavity quantum electrodynamics with magnons" by Prof. Jian-Qiang You

C700, Level C, Lab 3

Title: Cavity quantum electrodynamics with magnons

Speaker: Prof. Jian-Qiang You

Affiliation: Department of Physics, Zhejiang University



[PhD Thesis Presentation] ‐ Mr. Jiabao Chen -Coherent control of charged particle systems strongly interacting with light

B250, Level B, Center Bldg


Presenter: Mr. Jiabao Chen

Title: Coherent control of charged particle systems strongly interacting with light

Supervisor: Professor Denis Konstantinov

Unit: Quantum Dynamics

Co-Supervisor: Professor Thomas Busch

[Workshop] Efficient Scientific Computing with Julia

2019-07-17 to 2019-07-19
C700, Lab 3

This course uses Julia to teach the fundamentals of best practices for reproducible code, performance analysis, and contributing to open-source. It furthermore focuses on aspects of HPC computing necessary to analysis and study large problems — in particular GPU computing.

More information and signup here.

[Seminar] "HIF1a expression in Immune Cells regulates Autoimmune and Infection Diseases" by Prof. Bozec

C209, Level C, Center Bldg.

Title: HIF1a expression in Immune Cells regulates Autoimmune and Infection Diseases

Speaker: Prof. Aline Bozec

Affiliation: Department of Internal Medicine 3, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany

[Seminar] "Diversity in Hot Vent Communities in the Context of Seabed Mining" by Prof. Tunnicliffe

C210, Level C, Center Bldg.

Title: Diversity in Hot Vent Communities in the Context of Seabed Mining

Speaker: Prof. Verena Tunnicliffe

Affiliation: University of Victoria Canada

2nd Admissions Workshop 2019

2019-06-18 to 2019-06-20
OIST Main Campus

Selection workshop for students seeking admission to the OIST PhD program in 2019

[Seminar] Microstructure of DNA-cross-linked hydrogels from time-temperature-superposition by Prof. Hill

C700, Level C, Lab 3

Title: Microstructure of DNA-cross-linked hydrogels from time-temperature-superposition

Speaker: Prof. Reghan J. Hill

Affiliation: Department of Chemical Engineering, McGill University
