Past Events
【Seminar】Resonant absorption of surface acoustic waves in magnetic thin films
2024-08-29Dr. Jorge Puebla, Research Scientist in the Nano-scale Magnetism Team of the Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) , RIKEN
【Seminar】Laser-Aided Diagnostic Technology for Discharge Plasma
2024-08-19Speaker: Dr. Yuki Inada, Associate Professor , Saitama University.
【Seminar】Introduction of pulsed power engineering and discharge plasma in supercritical fluids
2024-08-19Speaker: Dr. Tomohiro Furusato, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology, Nagasaki University
【Seminar】A smooth isometric immersion is determined by a framed curve
2024-04-17Speaker: Dr. Brian Seguin, Associate Professor, Loyola University Chicago
【Seminar】Phase-field Modeling of Geologic Fractures by Prof. Jinhyun Choo
2023-11-28Jinhyun Choo, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at KAIST.
【Seminar】On the Minimization of the Canham-Helfrich energy by Prof. Luca Lussardi
2023-08-30Dr. Luca Lussardi, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences of Politecnico di Torino
【Seminar】Semi-discrete modeling of systems of disclinations and dislocations by Prof. Marco Morandotti
2023-08-28Dr. Marco Morandotti, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences of Politecnico di Torino
【Seminar】Bridging Mechanics and Chemistry in Deformable Solids By Prof. Fernando P. Duda
2023-08-10Dr. Fernando P. Duda, Professor and Head Department of MEchanical Engineering,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Language: English
【Seminar】Surface accretion of a pre-stretched half-space: Biot’s problem revisited by Prof. Giuseppe Tomassetti
2023-05-31Speaker: Professor Giuseppe Tomassetti, Università degli Studi Roma Tre
【Seminar】Diamond MEMS: from fundamentals to sensing applications
2023-03-29Speaker: Dr. Meiyong LIAO, a Chief Researcher at National Institute for Material Science
Passcode: 313298