Past Events

【Seminar】Resonant absorption of surface acoustic waves in magnetic thin films

C700, Lab 3

Dr. Jorge Puebla, Research Scientist in the Nano-scale Magnetism Team of the Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) , RIKEN

【Seminar】Laser-Aided Diagnostic Technology for Discharge Plasma

C700, Lab 3

Speaker: Dr. Yuki Inada, Associate Professor , Saitama University.

【Seminar】Introduction of pulsed power engineering and discharge plasma in supercritical fluids

C700, Lab 3

Speaker: Dr. Tomohiro Furusato, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology, Nagasaki University

【Seminar】A smooth isometric immersion is determined by a framed curve

C209, Center Building and Zoom

Speaker: Dr. Brian Seguin, Associate Professor, Loyola University Chicago

【Seminar】Phase-field Modeling of Geologic Fractures by Prof. Jinhyun Choo

C210 & Zoom

Jinhyun Choo, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at KAIST.

Target Audience: Intern, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field.

【Seminar】On the Minimization of the Canham-Helfrich energy by Prof. Luca Lussardi

C700, Lab3

Dr. Luca Lussardi, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences of Politecnico di Torino

【Seminar】Semi-discrete modeling of systems of disclinations and dislocations by Prof. Marco Morandotti

C700, Lab3

Dr. Marco Morandotti, Associate Professor,  Department of Mathematical Sciences of  Politecnico di Torino

【Seminar】Bridging Mechanics and Chemistry in Deformable Solids By Prof. Fernando P. Duda

Lab4, F01 (Hybrid)

Dr. Fernando P. Duda, Professor and Head Department of MEchanical Engineering,

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,

Language: English

【Seminar】Surface accretion of a pre-stretched half-space: Biot’s problem revisited by Prof. Giuseppe Tomassetti

C700, Lab3 (Hybrid)

Speaker: Professor Giuseppe Tomassetti, Università degli Studi Roma Tre

【Seminar】Diamond MEMS: from fundamentals to sensing applications

Lab4, F01 (Hybrid)

Speaker: Dr. Meiyong LIAO, a Chief Researcher at National Institute for Material Science


  Passcode: 313298
