Past Events
2019 IEEE “Okinawa Chapter pre-event” / Okinawa Future Semiconductor Technical Committee
2019-09-26The workshop is going to be held on September 26, 2019,
"Modeling of surface reactions mediated by bulk diffusion"
2019-07-10Prof. Fernando P. Duda, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Language: English, no interpretation.
"Design proposals for hyper-redundant robotic arms and human-friendly robotic articulations"
2019-06-21Mr. Rafael Ferrin, Iwate University. Languag: English, no interpretation
2018-11-07Prof. Jeffrey Giacomin, Chemical Engineering and Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Queen’s University. Language: English, no interpretation.
"The New Physics of Fluids"
2018-11-07Prof. Jeffrey Giacomin, Chemical Engineering and Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Queen’s University. Language: English, no interpretation.
"Phase-field chemomechanical modeling of dislocation interaction with precipitates and solutes in metallic alloys"
2018-11-06Prof. Bob Svendsen, RWTH Aachen University. Language: English, no interpretation
2018 Okinawa Future Semiconductor Technical Committee
2018-09-26The workshop is going to be held on September 26, 2018,
"Macro Resonance of Micro Resonators: Singular Upscaling in Acoustics"
2018-07-13Dr. Andrés A León Baldelli, CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France. Language: English, no interpretation.
"Under pressure. Or, 101 uses for diamond (outside of bling) "
2018-07-02Dr. Joe Welch, London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London, UK. Language: English, no interpretation.
"Waves in lattices - opportunities and challenges"
2018-03-28Prof. Anasavarapu Srikantha Phani, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Canada. Language: English, no interpretation.