Zumba toning classes by Chika Price
Zumba Toning is
Created by Beto Perez who is an American fitness instructor from Colombia and this was born in the United States in 2001.Using light dumbbells (less than 1.5 kg) called "toning sticks," Zumba toning is performed to Latin music and steps, and is suitable for weight loss and health maintenance, as it tightens muscles and burns a lot of calories. It is also expected to improve stiff shoulders and lower back pain.
トーニングスティックと呼ばれる1.5kg 以下の軽いダンベルを使い、ラテン音楽やステップに合わせて行うズンバ・トーニングは、筋肉が引き締めやカロリーの消費も多いので、ダイエットや健康維持に向いています。肩こり、腰痛改善も期待できます。
Chika Price
Her dreams came true and move in Okinawa. Now, she is teaching Zumba, Aqua Zumba, Zumba Step, Zumba toning, and Yoga at US base for 12 years.bThis time, she will have her Zumba toning class at OIST in September.
Date | 日付
Every Monday 7:00P.M -8:00P.M | 月曜日 午後7時~8時
Location | 場所
Ocean View Room | オーシャンビュールーム
Fee | 参加費
The fee per class is ¥500 Please pay the instructor directly.