[Seminar] All in a spin: rotational dynamics of trapped, levitated microparticles
Title: All in a spin: rotational dynamics of trapped, levitated microparticles
Speaker: Prof Kishan Dholakia
School of Physics & Astronomy, University of St Andrews, Scotland
Trapping microparticles in vacuum has led to the burgeoning area of levitated optomechanics. Here we will describe recent work on rotating particles in vacuum. This offers a rich playground for dynamics. In particular we describe how we can attain very high rotation rates by spin angular momentum transfer and observe optical binding of particles in vacuum. For a single particle in vacuum stochastic, thermal fluctuations combine with nonconservative optical forces to break detailed balance and produce increasingly coherent, apparently deterministic motion. In turn this leads to the highest Q value ever reported for a vacuum traded microparticle opening up new studies of sensors.
Meeting URL: https://oist.zoom.us/j/96737459676?pwd=RDBoRm1Cb3R0TmVaMXR5bUptbEJiUT09&from=addon
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