[Seminar] Optical microfibers: from low-loss waveguides to miniature optical sensors

Title: Optical microfibers: from low-loss waveguides to miniature optical sensors
Speaker: Prof. Limin Tong
College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
Optical microfibers and nanofibers fabricated by physical drawing of glass fibers have (sub-)wavelength-scale diameter, extraordinary surface smoothness and diameter uniformity, which bestow them with low optical loss, excellent mechanical strength and flexibility. A waveguiding microfiber can offer tight optical confinement, high fractional evanescent fields and enhanced surface field intensity, making it highly sensitive to environmental changes in the optical near fields and thus favorable for optical sensing on micro- and nanoscale. In this talk, we’ll firstly give a brief introduction to microfiber optics, followed by typical results in microfiber fabrication and characterization. Then, we’ll focus on functionalization and application of microfibers for optical sensing. Finally, we’ll give a brief summary and discuss the challenges and opportunities in this field.
Meeting URL: https://oist.zoom.us/j/95083081548?pwd=ZXZuYmM1ekFrZStFWEFXWU5NOHEyZz09&from=addon
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