MORNING YOGA Class by Miya Taillefer

Morning Yoga

The beginning of the day.

How do you want to start your morning?

Morning Yoga helps To bring energy and start the day with healing.

You can Start the day with gratitude, As if you nourish yourself. Also, It can helps to Reset from a busy mindset.

This classes will be held in simple English and Japanese.

Please join us and enjoy MORNING YOGA TOGETHER!



Miya Taillefer - Sensei

Miya-san is certified by the Japan Yoga Therapists Association & the Indian Central Government-accredited by Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samshana (S-VYASA). She is a certified yoga instructor (YIC) and yoga/therapist (YTIC). Miya can focus on areas for maternity, handicapped children, people with diseases, as well as regular courses.

Her classes will be taught in Japanese and little English. The Language exchange is welcomed!

ミヤ先生は、日本ヨガ療法士協会認定、インド中央政府公認Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samshana (S-VYASA)認定、日本ヨガ療法士協会認定。ヨガインストラクター(YIC)、ヨガ/セラピスト(YTIC)等の資格を所有しています。通常コースに加え、妊婦、ハンディキャップのあるお子様や、持病のある方々に向けたコースも用意しております。

Class Location:

Ocean View Room | オーシャンビュールーム

Date and Times:

  • 8:30am - 9:45 am, Every Monday

The payment method is cash for morning yoga

All OIST members (OIST students, OIST employees and families) are 1,500 JPY


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If you can not attend the class which you applied, Please send email to the teacher and let her know in advance. お申込み頂いたクラスに参加出来ない場合には、事前にミヤ先生へメールでお伝え下さい。
I certify that I am in good health to participate in any fitness related activity hosted by OIST Recreation Services and will sign the liability waiver. 私は、OISTレクリエーションサービスが提供するフィットネス活動に、参加出来る健康な状態であると証明し同意します。 I understand that I need to consult with the OIST clinic if I have questions about my personal health. 私は、個人的な健康問題に関する質問は、OISTクリニックに相談する必要があることを理解しています。
Cost is 1500 JPY per session. Please pay teacher directly with cash. / 1クラスの参加費は1,500円です。ミヤ先生に直接現金でお支払い下さい。
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