Fast-in, Fast-out: Safe driving through mitotic transitions
Dear All,
Cell Signal Unit (Yamamoto Unit) would like to inform you of a seminar by Dr. Toru Hirota from Cancer Institute of the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research.
Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Time: 13:00-14:00
Venue: C016, Level C, Lab 1
Dr. Toru Hirota, Cancer Institute of the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Fast-in, Fast-out: Safe driving through mitotic transitions
Aneuploidy is a widespread feature of malignancies, which is primarily caused by defective cell division. To understand the molecular grounds underlying these defects, we have placed our research focus to the cellular functions ensuring chromosome segregation in mitosis. We yet know little about if and how their regulation is impaired in cancer cells, however. In my presentation, I will share the latest findings on the control of the spindle-assembly checkpoint and subsequent activation of cohesin-severing protease separase, the mechanisms to commence anaphase at the correct time. Our data suggest that a wide range of cancer cells consistently have an impaired regulation for the brake and engine, which culminates in chromosome missegregation. These findings imply that a swift brake release and a rapid ignition of the engine are essential cellular functions to drive through the metaphase-to-anaphase safely, and allow to propose previously unanticipated etiologies for chromosome instability.
Prof. Tadashi Yamamoto
We hope to see many of you at the seminar.
Best regards,
Yuki Nakagawa
Research Unit Administrator
Cell Signal Unit
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