Program / OCNC2017

Link for handy Weekly Calender  [Week1] [Week2] [Week3]

  • All the lectures take place in the Seminar Room, OIST Seaside House unless otherwise indicated.
  • Meetings with faculty take place in Meeting room 1
  • Meetings with faculty on Thu. July 06 take place at Main Campus.

Week 1 (Jun 26-Jul.02) : Methods

Monday, June 26

09:30-09:45   Greetings from the organizers
10:00-13:00   Parallel Sessions
Biologists: Kenji Doya  Introduction to numerical methods for ordinary and partial differential equations
Theoreticians: Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama   Neuronal basis for information processing. / Meeting Room 1
14:00-18:00   Student poster presentations (14:00-16:00 Group1 / 16:00-18:00 Group2)
19:00-21:00   Reception & Dinner

Tuesday, June 27

09:30-12:30   Upinder Bhalla   Molecular computation in the brain
14:00-15:00   Introduction of the tutors
15:00-17:30   Tutorial: Python

Wednesday, June 28

09:30-12:30   Bernd Kuhn

  1. Ion channel physiology and the Hodgkin-Huxley model of neuronal activity
  2. Functional optical imaging

14:00-16:00   Tutorial: Brian2
16:00-18:00   Tutorial: Neuron

Thursday, June 29

09:30-12:30   Erik De Schutter   Introduction to modeling neurons and networks
14:00-16:00   Tutorial: Nest
16:00-18:00   Tutorial: Advanced Matlab

Friday, June 30

09:30-12:30   Kenji Doya   Introduction to reinforcement learning and Bayesian inference
14:00-16:00   Tutorial: LFPy/STEPS
16:00-18:00   Meeting with Dr. Bhalla or Meeting with Dr. Doya

Saturday, July 01

09:30-12:30   Greg Stephens   An introduction to dynamical systems: from neural activity to natural behavior
14:00-15:00   Tutorial: Git
15:00-16:00   Project Work

Sunday, July 02 (Day off)

Week 2 (Jul 03-09) : Neurons, Networks and Behavior I

Monday, July 03

09:30-12:30   Shin Ishii   Decoding neural decision making
14:00-16:00   Project work or Meeting with Dr. Stephens
16:00-18:00   Project work or Meeting with Dr. De Schutter

Tuesday, July 04

09:30-12:30   Bard Ermentrout   Mechanisms of excitability in simple neuronal models
14:00-16:00   Optional Tutorial: XPP by Dr. Ermentrout or Meeting with Dr. Fiete
16:00-18:00   Project work or Meeting with Dr. Ishii

Wednesday, July 05

09:30-12:30   Charles Wilson   Neuronal Oscillation and Entrainment
14:00-16:00   Project work or meeting with Dr. Ermentrout
16:00-18:00   Project work or meeting with Dr. Wilson

Thursday, July 06

09:30-12:30   Ila Fiete  Theory of the neural circuits for spatial navigation
13:40-16:00   Visit to OIST Campus
16:00-18:00   Meeting with Dr. Kuhn or Meeting with Dr. Yazaki-Sugiyama or OIST Tea Time

Friday, July 07

09:30-12:30   Sukbin Lim    Recurrent network models of working memory
14:00-16:00   Project work or Meeting with Dr. Lim
16:00-18:00   Project work

Saturday, July 08

09:30-12:30   Sonja Grün   Analysis and interpretation of massively parallel neuronal data
14:00-16:00   Project work

Sunday, July 09 (Day off)

Week 3 (Jul 10 – 13) : Neurons, Networks and Behavior II

Monday, July 10

09:30-12:30   Michele Migliore   Biophysical modeling of neurons and networks using the NEURON simulation environment
14:00-16:00   Project work or meeting with Dr. Grün
16:00-18:00   Project work

Tuesday, July 11

09:30-12:30   Jason Kerr   Easy to collect, hard to interpret: Making sense of neurosphysiology data collected in vivo using electrical and imaging techniques
14:00-16:00   Project work or Meeting with Dr. Migliore
16:00-18:00   Project work or Meeting with Dr. Kerr

Wednesday, July 12

09:30-12:30   Nicholas Hatsopoulos   Encoding of movement in the motor system
14:00-16:00   Project work or Meeting with Dr. Hatsopoulos
16:00-18:00   Project work or Meeting with Dr. Redish

Thursday, July 13

09:30-12:30   David Redish  Computational models of decision-making systems: implications for computational psychiatry
14:00-17:00   Student project presentations
19:00-21:00   Banquet & Dinner