
Talk - Random quantum channels: entanglement and entropies

July 8st - 12rd  2024

Oral presentation from Faedi Loulidi presenting "A Max-Flow approach to Random Tensor Networks" at the Random quantum channels: entanglement and entropies. Link to program.

Talk - International Congress on Mathematical Physics (2024)

July 1st - 6rd  2024

Oral presentation from Faedi Loulidi presenting "A Max-Flow approach to Random Tensor Networks" at the International Congress on Mathematical Physics. Link to program.

Talk - Esquisses Summer School 2

June 10st - 14rd  2024

Oral presentation from Faedi Loulidi presenting "A Max-Flow approach to Random Tensor Networks" at the Esquisses Summer School 2. Link to program.

Talk - International Conference on Quantum Communications, Networking, and Computing (QCNC 2024)

July 1st - 3rd  2024

Oral presentation from Golshan Lirabi presenting "A general purification protocol with imperfect state preparation" at the International Conference on Quantum Communications, Networking, and Computing (QCNC 2024). Link to program.

Unit members - Daniel Bhatti, new postdoc

1 May 2024

Daniel Bhatti joined as a new postdoc in the unit. Welcome!

Unit members - Maria Quadeer, new postdoc

1 May 2024

Maria Quadeer joined as a new postdoc in the unit. Welcome!

Unit members - New rotation student

1 May 2024

Javier Pagan is joining the unit as a rotation student. Javier will work on lattice problems. Welcome!

Unit members - New PhD student

1 May 2024

Jiajun Chen is joining the unit as a PhD student. Jiajun will work on quantum error correction codes. Welcome!

Unit members - New research intern

1 May 2024

Noah Kaufmann is joining the unit as a research intern. Noah will work on quantum repeater chains. Welcome!

Unit members - New PhD student

15 April 2024

Shin Sun is joining the unit as a PhD student. Shin will work on quantum networks. Welcome!

Unit members - New research intern

8 April 2024

Lorenzo La Corte is joining the unit as a research intern. Lorenzo will work on quantum repeater chains. Welcome!

Talk - QR.X-Workshop III - Recent developments in quantum repeater science & technology

February 21st - 23rd  2024

Oral presentation from David Elkouss presenting "Optimizing entanglement distribution in near-term quantum networks" at the QR.X-Workshop III - Recent developments in quantum repeater science & technology. Link to program.

Talk - International Conference on Photonics, Quantum Information, and Quantum Communication, Kolkata

31st January 2024

Oral presentation from Ananda G. Maity presenting "Noise is resource-contextual in quantum communication" at the International conference on Phtonics, Quantum Information, and Quantum Communication, Kolkata, under BoseStat@100: Centenary of Bose Statistics. Link to program.

Talk - 106th RQC Seminar

2 February 2024

Oral presentation from Siddhant Singh presenting "Modular architectures and entanglement schemes for error-corrected distributed quantum computing" at 106th Rinken Quantum Computing Seminar. Link to program.

Talk - Quantum information theory and Free probability theory

8 January 2024

Oral presentation from Faedi Loulidi presenting "random tensor networks" at the Quantum information theory and Free probability theory conference. Link to program.

Unit members - New rotation student

1 January 2024

Kyle Grant is joining the unit as a rotation student. Kyle will work on quantum crypto. Welcome!

Talk - QIT 49

18 December 2023

Oral presentation from Ananda Maity at the 49th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT49). Link to program.

Publication - Low-Depth Flag-Style Syndrome Extraction for Small Quantum Error-Correction Codes

1 December 2023

2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE). Link to publication.

Unit members - Faedi Loulidi, new postdoc

1 December 2023

Faedi Loulidi joined as a new postdoc in the unit. Welcome!

Talk - XII Conference on Quantum Foundations

29 November 2023

Invited presentation at the XII Conference on Quantum Foundations. Link to program.

Talk - Feedback in Quantum Machines 2023

27 November 2023

Invited presentation at the Feedback in Quantum Machines 2023 workshop. Link to program.

Talk - Quantum Innovation 2023

17 November 2023

Invited presentation at Quantum Innovation 2023. Link to program.

Publication - Micro-architecture and Control Electronics Simulation of Modular Color Center-Based Quantum Computers

7 November 2023

Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation. SAMOS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14385. Springer, Cham. (2023). Link to publication.

Talks - International Workshop on Quantum Information Engineering (QIE2023)

13 October 2023

Ananda Maity and Joshua Casapao presented their work on "noise resource contextuality" and "noise estimation in distillation protocols" in the 2023 Workshop on Quantum Information Engineering. Link to program.

Unit members - New research intern

5 October 2023

Golshan Lirabi is joining the unit as a research intern. Golshan will work on quantum information theory. Welcome!

Publication - Noise estimation in an entanglement distillation protocol

3 October 2023

ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, vol 51 issue 2 (2023). Link to publication.

Publication - GHZ distillation protocols in the presence of decoherence

3 October 2023

ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, vol 51 issue 2 (2023). Link to publication.

Unit members - Manuel Goulão, new postdoc

1 October 2023

Manuel Goulão joined as a new postdoc in the unit. Welcome!

Visitor - Stefan Bauml

1 - 30 October 2023

Stefan Bauml, postdoctoral researcher from the institute of photonic sciences, Spain, is visiting the unit. He will be presenting his recent work on continuous variable quantum key distribution in a seminar.

Unit members - New research intern

25 September 2023

Marcel Mordarski is joining the unit as a research intern. Marcel will work on quantum cryptoanalysis. Welcome!

Unit members - New rotation student

1 September 2023

Zhenghan Yuan is joining the unit as a rotation student. Zhenghan will work on quantum repeater schemes. Welcome!

Talk - ASCR Basic Research Needs in Quantum Computing and Networking

12 July 2023

Keynote at the ASCR Basic Research Needs in Quantum Computing and Networking Workshop. ASCR Basic Research Needs in Quantum Computing and Networking. Link to program.

Panel - Optica Advanced Photonics Congress

9 July 2023

Panel presentation at the Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2023. Link to program.

Unit members - New research intern

7 July 2023

Zherui (Jerry) Wang is joining the unit as a research intern. Zherui will work on learning Pauli noise. Welcome!

Talk - ACM SIGMETRICS Workshop on Quantum Systems and Computation

19 June 2023

Oral presentation by Ananda Maity at the Workshop on Quantum Systems and Computation. The workshop is held in conjunction with ACM Sigmetrics 2023 (part of ACM FCRC). Link to program.

Visitor - Faedi Loulidi

8-15 June 2023

Faedi Loulidi, researcher from Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, France, is visiting the unit. He will be presenting his recent work on the relation between compatibility and non-locality in a seminar.

Unit members - New rotation student

1 May 2023

Jiajun Chen is joining the unit as a rotation student. Jiajun will work on distributed state estimation. Welcome!

Visitor - Aditya Nema

10-21 April 2023

Aditya Nema, postdoctoral researcher in the Institute of Quantum Information at RWTH Aachen, Germany, is visiting the unit. He will be presenting his recent work on purity distillation in a seminar.

Hackathon - IETF 116 Yokohama

25-26 March 2023

Ananda Maity and David Elkouss participated in the IETF 116 Hackathon at Yokohama. Link to program.

Talk - From the foundations of quantum mechanics to the future quantum internet

17 March 2023

Invited presentation in International School on Physics & Allied Disciplines (ISPAD). Link to program.

Visitors - Guillermo Currás-Lorenzo and Margarida Pereira

20 February 2023 to 24 February 2023

Guillermo Currás-Lorenzo and Margarida Pereira from University of Toyama will be visiting the unit. On February the 20 they will present recent work in a double seminar (first seminar, second seminar)

Talk - Theoretical tools for near-term quantum communications

17 February 2023

OIST Internal Seminar Series. Ananda G. Maity: Theoretical tools for near-term quantum communications. Link to program.

Talk - Analytical and numerical bounds on entanglement delivery waiting times

31 January 2023

Invited presentation in SPIE Photonics West. Link to program.

Unit members - New rotation student

1 January 2023

Samuel Begumya is joining the unit as a rotation student. Samuel will work on quantum key distribution. Welcome!

Seminar - Open problems in CV QKD

19 December 2022

Title: Open problems in CV QKD

Speaker: Ryo Namiki

Abstract: In this blackboard seminar, I will start with some basic properties of the canonical coherent states, and share some of my views on CV QKD and CV quantum information.

Link to event.

Visitor - Ryo Namiki

16 December 2022 to 21 December 2022 

Ryo Namiki, researcher at Gakushuin University, is visiting the unit.

Panel - Quantum Innovation

29 November 2022

Panel presentation in Quantum Innovation 2022. Link to program.

Visitor - Aditya Nema

14 November 2022 to 3 December 2022 

Aditya Nema, designate assistant professor at Nagoya University, is visiting the unit.

Visitor - Shota Nagayama

7 November 2022 to 9 November 2022 

Shota Nagayama, project associate professor at Keio University, is visiting the unit.

Unit members - Ananda Maity, new postdoc

1 November 2022

Ananda Maity joined as a new postdoc in the unit. Welcome!

Unit members - new interns

4 October 2022

We have two new interns joining the networked quantum devices unit: Behrad Ahmadpour and Javier Pagán. Behrad will work on machine learning optimization of quantum repeaters and Javier on the surface code. Welcome!

Unit members - New rotation students

1 September 2022

New members joining the networked quantum devices unit. Shin Sun and Joshua Casapao will be joining the unit as rotation students. Shin will work on entanglement distillation and Joshua on the ZXXZ code. Welcome!

Talk - Optimizing small quantum networks

28 June 2022

4th Seefeld Workshops on Quantum Information Theory. Link to program.

Talk - Tools for designing quantum networks

2 June 2022

53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Focus Session: Quantum Networks: Prospects and Challenges. Link to program.