21 January: Unit Publication acknowledged as Top Cited Review from J Opt in 2016
Our review paper on Optical Nanofibres and Neutral Atoms has been acknowledged by J. Opt. as one of their top cited review papers of 2016.
To quote: We acknowledge the top cited reviews published in JOPT... Optical nanofibres and neutral atoms, by Thomas Nieddu, Vandna Gokhroo and Síle Nic Chormaic: in a timely review, this group from Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University briefly introduce the theory of mode propagation in an ultrathin optical fiber and highlight some of the more significant theoretical and experimental progresses to date, including the early work on atom probing, manipulation and trapping, the study of atom-dielectric surface interactions, and the more recent observation of nanofibre-mediated nonlinear optics phenomena in atomic media. As an outlook, they discuss some possible directions where this research field may head.