Seminar by Prof Zhang 'Single atom manipulation and measurement in micro-optical trap and cavity'

Dr. Tiancai Zhang
Professor, State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices, Institute of Opto-Electronics, Shanxi University, P. R. China
Seminar Title:
Single atom manipulation and measurement in micro-optical trap and cavity
The full control of atoms and photons at the single-particle level is the main difficulty in implementing quantum information protocols based on atoms and photons. I will show some experimental progresses on single atom manipulation either in a micro-trap or micro-cavity. Based on single Cesium atoms trapped in a microscopic optical trap (red trap or blue trap) we have implemented a single qubit encoded in the Cesium “clock states”. The coherent time of the qubit is measured. Strong coupling between single atoms and the cavity is also realized and some parameters of the cold atoms are measured based on this strongly coupled cavity QED system.
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