NEW! Grant Pre-submission Form

Please submit  "Grant Pre-submission Form" to as soon as you decide to submit a grant. 
(One month prior to the agency/sponsor deadline is desired, even in a tentative form.) Announcement

Procedure by Applicant (Principal Investigator of the Proposed Project)

1.    Download the "Grant Pre-submission Form"

2.    Fill in the Form (Your name, grant program information, project outline, necessary resources, etc.)

3.    Obtain your supervisor’s signature (if you are NOT a faculty member)

4.    Submit the Form (both in excel file and signed copy) to Grants and Research Collaborations Section (

Sponsored Research Section will then proceed the Form to the approvers, and contact the applicant  once the approval is obtained or for more information. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Grants and Research Collaborations Section