The 2nd KAIST-OIST Symposium



Room# C700, Lab 3, OIST



The 2nd KAIST-OIST Symposium is to facilitate interactions between OIST and KAIST. The theme for this time is "Neurosciences, Life Sciences, and Relevant Technologies" Such interactions are expected and specifically encouraged by the CAO, BOG and other academic institutions in Japan.



  • Kuhn Bernd 
  • Miller Jonathan 
  • Plessy Charles
  • Tomoyuki Takahashi
  • Amy Shen
  • Jun Tani


  • HYE RYUNG BYON (Chemistry, Associate professor)
  • HYUNGRYUL BAIK (Mathmatics, Assistant professor)
  • HYUNWOO KIM (Chemistry, Associate professor)
  • SEUNG JOONG KIM (Physics, Assistant professor)
  • WONHEE LEE (Graduate School of Nanoscience andTechnology, Associate professor)
  • YONGKEUN PARK (Physics, Associate professor)


November 11th

9:45     Bernd Kuhn - OIST
     “Voltage imaging from Purkinje neurons in awake animals”

10:30 Yongeun Park - KAIST
     “Holotomography and artificial intelligence: from label-free live cellsimaging to medical applications   exploiting cell phenotypes”

11:15 Jonathan Miller - OIST
     “Cephalopod Psychophysics: Secret Life of the Bigfin Reef Squid”

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Seung Joong Kim - KAIST
     “Integrative Structure and Functional Anatomy of a Nuclear PoreComplex (NPC)”

13:45 Charles Plessy - OIST
     “Oikopleura Dioica: the Animal Genome Pushed to Its Limits”

14:50 Hyungryul Baik - KAIST
     “Asymptotic translation length of mapping class groups”

15:35 Tomoyuk iTakahashi - OIST
           “Multi-disciplinary approach to presynaptic black box”


November 12th

9:45  Hyunwoo Kim - KAIST
     “A Complete Solution for 1H NMR Chiral Analysis”

10:30 Amy Shen - OIST
     “New opportunities to probe complex flows and confinement effects withmicrofluidics”

11:15 Hye Ryung Byon - KAIST
     “Next-generation molecular batteries”

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Campus Tour and Lab Tour

15:00 Jun Tani - OIST
     “Exploring Robotic Minds by Using the Framework of Predictive Codingand Active Inference”

15:45 Wonhee Lee - KAIST
     “Parylene for novel microfluidic devices”

16:30 Break

16:45 Business Meeting on KAIST-OIST Collaborations

All-OIST Category: 

Intra-Group Category

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