Past Events

視覚科学フォーラム 2023

2023年10月26日 (木) 16:002023年10月27日 (金) 17:00
OIST Conference Center

Neural Computation Unit will co-organize a Vision forum at the OIST Conference Center. If you are interested in joining, please see the event page and register now.

Vision Science Forum 2023

2023年10月26日 (木) 16:002023年10月27日 (金) 17:00
OIST Conference Center

Neural Computation Unit will co-organize a Vision forum at the OIST Conference Center. If you are interested in joining, please see the event page and register now.

[Seminar] "Successor Features Representations: Human-inspired Transfer Reinforcement Learning and its Application to Social Robotics" by Dr. Chris Reinke

2023年9月22日 (金) 11:00 12:00

Speaker: Dr. Chris Reinke
               Inria Grenoble

Title:Successor Features Representations: Human-inspired Transfer Reinforcement Learning and its Application to Social Robotics


[Seminar 2] "Contraction analysis of convergence and synchronization" by Prof. Slotine

2023年1月16日 (月) 10:00 11:30
Seminar Room B503 - Lab1 Bldg.

Speaker: Prof. Jean-Jacques Slotine
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

[Seminar 1] "Stable adaptation and learning" by Prof. Slotine

2023年1月12日 (木) 14:00 15:30
Meeting Room D015 - Lab1 Bldg

Speaker: Prof. Jean-Jacques Slotine
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Neural Computation Workshop 2022

2022年12月17日 (土) (All day)
OIST seaside house

Neural Computation Unit will hold a retreat/reunion at OIST seaside house. If you are interested in joining, pleaese contact

OIST/Humanoids2022 Joint Workshop

2022年12月1日 (木) (All day)
OIST conference center (Auditorium)

Neural Computation Unit will hold  an OIST / Humanoids 2022 joint workshop at Auditorium. If you are interested in joining, please register.

Neural Computation Workshop 2021

2021年12月4日 (土) 9:00 18:30
OIST conference center(Auditorium)

Neural Computation Unit will hold a retreat/reunion at OIST conference center. If you are interested in joining, pleaese contact

[Seminar] "Revisiting Peng's Q(λ): Good Old-Fashioned Algorithm for Modern Reinforcement Learning” by Dr. Tadashi Kozuno

2021年5月19日 (水) 13:00
Meeting room C016, Center Bldg.

Speaker: Dr. Tadashi Kozuno
                RLAI Lab, University of Alberta

Title:Revisiting Peng's Q(λ): Good Old-Fashioned Algorithm for Modern Reinforcement Learning

[Webinar] International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science

2020年10月10日 (土) 22:002020年10月13日 (火) 0:00
Webinar (registration required)

We are going to hold an online symposium that brings together researchers in the forefront of AI and neuroscience. All talks will be made accessible as pre-recorded movies and we will have two-hour live discussion sessions on October 10-12, 2020. 

For joining the symposium, please register by September 30th.
