TSVP Talk: "The Heisenberg Category" by Jon Brundan

Title: The Heisenberg Category
Abstract: The Heisenberg category is a monoidal (tensor) category introduced in a special case by Khovanov roughly 15 years ago. I will explain what it is, why it is called "Heisenberg category", and how it gives a new perspective on Schur-Weyl duality for representations of symmetric and general linear groups.
Profile: Jon Brundan is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, USA. He obtained his PhD from Imperial College, London in 1996. His research is in algebra, specifically, in representation theory related to Lie groups, Lie algebras, supergroups and quantum groups. His recent focus has been an ongoing program to "categorify" the braided tensor categories arising from finite-dimensional representations of quantum groups. Jon is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, and is currently serving as Managing Editor of the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society.
Language: English
Target audience: General audience/everyone at OIST and beyond.
Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration.
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