Seminar "Bounce Configuration from Gradient Flow" by Yutaro Shoji


2020年2月25日 (火) 14:00 15:00




  • Date: Tuesday, February 25th
  • Time: 14:00-15:00
  • Venue: C016-Lab1
  • Speaker: Yutaro Shoji, Assistant Professor, KMI (Nagoya University)


"Bounce Configuration from Gradient Flow"

The bounce configuration is the most important configuration in the calculation of the decay rate of a meta-stable vacuum in quantum field theory.
Since it is a saddle point of an Euclidean action, it cannot be calculated by a naive gradient flow method, which is often used for searching a minimum or a maximum.
We propose a modified gradient flow equation that converges to the bounce configuration.
It is easy to implement and is also applicable to generic problems to search for a saddle point with one unstable direction in a configuration space.

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