Past Events

Academic Speaking Skills - Participating in small group discussions

2021年11月19日 (金) 15:00

This seminar is aimed at interns and students hoping to practice their conversation skills

Academic Presenting Skills - Why you should write out your speech part 2

2021年11月12日 (金) 15:00

This seminar is aimed at interns, students and researchers who ware presenting at International conferences.

Academic Speaking Skills - Using Transition Phrases in Presentations

2021年11月5日 (金) 15:00

This language seminar is aimed at Interns and Students who want to make their presentations flow better.

Survival Japanese: Official Documents

2021年11月5日 (金) 12:00

Learn how to get your juminhyo at the Village Office, how to dispose of large garbage, how to get a package redelivered, how to make a bank transfer, and how to send an international package.

No Japanese experience necessary!

Watch the videos at this link, then join us on Zoom for more practice (Meeting link:

Academic Presenting Skills - Why you should write out your speech part 1

2021年10月29日 (金) 15:00 16:00

Do you start preparing for a presentation by creating your slides first or your script first? Join us to find out why you should start with a script and how to go about doing it.

Survival Japanese: Going to the doctor

2021年10月29日 (金) 12:00

Learn how to check in and out of doctor's appointments, describe pain and symptoms, and speak in emergency situations, all in Japanese.

No Japanese experience necessary!

Watch the videos at this link, then join us on Zoom for more practice (Meeting link:

Academic Speaking Skills - Giving spontaneous one minute talks

2021年10月22日 (金) 15:00 16:15

Do you have a list of steps in your mind when you are asked to give a quick talk?

Join us to talk about what types of things should be discussed and how we should discuss them in a spontaneous one minute talk.


Survival Japanese: Taxi and directions

2021年10月22日 (金) 12:00

Learn how to call a taxi, give directions to a location, and describe a place with simple adjectives, all in Japanese.

No Japanese experience necessary!

Watch the videos at this link then join us on Zoom for more practice (Meeting link:

Academic Presenting Skills - Learning from TED part 2

2021年10月15日 (金) 15:00 16:00

What makes a good presentation good?

Join us as we consider the aspects of making memorable presentations.

Survival Japanese: Restaurants

2021年10月15日 (金) 12:00

Learn how to make a reservation at a restaurant, order food and ask for items, and order food for pickup, all in Japanese.

No Japanese experience necessary!

Watch the videos at this link, then join us on Zoom for more practice (Meeting link:
