Seminar by Dr Ureche "Improving in vivo disease modeling through next generation AAV vectors and optimization of in vitro gene therapies with a novel adjuvant LentiBOOSTTM."


2018年5月24日 (木) 9:00 10:00


C016 Seminar Room, Level C, Lab 1



In business since 2007 and based near Munich in Germany, SIRION Biotech is Europe's leading commercial supplier of tailored viral vectors used for genetic research, clinical target validation, gene therapy and vaccination studies.

SIRION’s mission is to change the paradigm for viral vector supplies, with its ability to develop and supply all common viral vector types (adenovirus, lentivirus and AAV) in highest quality within a matter of weeks.

The company also offers a full range of virus related products and services, ranging from transduction enhancer agents to fully customized cell models including the transformative RNAiONE™ knockdown validation platform.

With this comprehensive viral vector portfolio, SIRION offers a suitable option for almost any preclinical in vitro and in vivo application.


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