Unit News
Congratulations Dr Chojnacki
Leilee successfully defended her PhD Thesis on “Analogues of light and gravity in the collective excitations of quantum magnets and cold atoms", on 4th June, 2024.
Jonas Finalist of Carbon Removal Challenge 2024
Jonas and his team were selected as finalists of the Open Air Collective Carbon Removal Challenge 2024 at the Carbon Unbound Business Summit in New York on 21st May, 2024.
A tale of two Poster Prizes
PhD student Leilee Chojnacki wins Best Poster Award at both HFM 2022 and LT29 International Conferences in the summer of 2022 for her work on analogues of electromagnetism and gravity in the excitations of spin systems.
Congratulations Dr Kim !
Kim successfully defended her PhD Thesis on "Spin-1 Magnets and Their Excitations", on 26th September, 2022.
KAKENHI Early Career Award
Dr. Matthias Gohlke succeeded in getting a KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists for studying the nature of quantum spin-nematic states in spin-1/2 frustrated ferromagnets.
QLC Young Researcher Award
Former TQM PhD student, Dr Rico Pohle, now a postdoc in the Motome group at the University of Tokyo, wins the Young Researcher Award of the Kakheni Innovative Research Area project on Quantum Liquid Crystals, for work carried out in collaboration with the TQM Unit.
Congratulations Dr Thomasen !
Andreas sucessfully defended his PhD Thesis on "Topology of band–like excitations in frustrated magnets and their experimental signatures", on 29th July, 2021. We wish Andreas continuing succcess in his future career.
Peter Gruss Doctoral Dissertation Excellence Award 2021
KAKENHI award for Dr Shimokawa
Dr. Tokuro Shimokawa succeeded in getting a KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) for his numerical study on a high-field spin nematic state.
2020-08-31 Congratulations Dr Dhar !
Ankur sucessfully defended his PhD thesis. We wish Ankur to continue his successful academic career.
Online CMT Seminars
Dr. Tokuro Shimokawa organizes online condensed matter theory seminars since this April with Dr. Kazuaki Takasan in UC Berkeley, Dr. Yuki Nagai in JAEA, and Assistant Prof. Hiroshi Shinaoka in Saitama Univ, considering the present difficult situation to hold face-to-face meetings / conferences / seminars due to COVID-19. This online CMT seminar is held every Monday 11:00 (JST) via zoom and the scopes are wide ranging, strongly correlated electron systems, frustrated magnets, topological phases, non-equilibrium systems, new numerical methods and etc.
KAKENHI award for Dr Shimokawa
Dr. Tokuro Shimokawa succeeded in getting a KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists for his study on a new multiple-q ripple state.
Film about Dr. Rico Pohle, TQM Unit Graduate
2020-02-12 Congratulations Dr Yan!
Han sucessfully defended his PhD thesis. We wish Han to continue his successful academic career.
Award for Student Excellence in Graduate Research 2019: Han Yan
Han Yan received OIST’s first award for Student Excellence in Graduate Research, cited for his “important discoveries regarding the physics of frustrated magnets, higher-rank generalisations of electromagnetism, and multiple phase competition in pyrochlore magnets”.
Recipients of 2019 Student Council Awards, from left to right: Pinaki Chakraborty (Students' Choice Teaching Award), Maggi Brisbin (Student Excellence in Community Service), Han Yan (Student Excellence in Graduate Research), Kozue Higashionna (Staff Excellence in Student Support).
Photo by Mr. Yuuki Guzman
First Prize for Poster at HFM 2018 : Kim !
Winners of student poster prizes at International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2018.
Poster title: "Semi-classical equations of motion for spin nematics".
From left to right : Kazuki Uematsu (Osaka University), Allen Scheie (Johns Hopkins University) and Kimberly Remund (OIST), together with Prof. Kate Ross (Colorado State)
Young Scientist Award of JPS 2018
Tokuro Shimokawa got the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan (JPS)!!
He studied quantum spin liquid and ferrimagnetic states in low-dimensional quantum frustrated systems by means of some numerical techniques. He is going to give an award lecture at the next Annual Meeting of the JPS scheduled for March 2018. Award winners list
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) DC2 Fellowship Award
Han Yan was offered Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Doctoral Course Students (JSPS DC2) Fellowship. The fellowship will provide funding for his projects aiming at discovering and understanding various spin liquids. He is particularly interested in their connection with quantum gauge theory, topological excitations, and conformal field theories.
2017-12-07 Congratulations Dr Pohle !
Rico sucessfully defended his PhD thesis” Signatures of Novel Spin Liquids in Kagome-like Lattices”. We wish Rico to continue his successful academic career.