Virtual Seminar"Plasmonic nanostructures for optical biosensing"Antonio Minopoli
Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics (Shen) Unit would like to invite you to the virtual seminar by Dr. Antonio Minopoli on November 2 (Tuesday).
Date: Monday, November 2, 2021
Time: 16:30-17:30
**Zoom session
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Meeting ID: 961 1011 0340
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Dr. Antonio Minopoli
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Plasmonic nanostructures for optical biosensing
Conventional laboratory techniques exhibit impressive sensing performance and still constitute an irreplaceable tool in bioanalytics. Nevertheless, high costs, time consumption, and need for well-equipped laboratories and skilled personnel make highly desirable to explore novel strategies to carry out biochemical analyses. In this regard, biosensor-based methods represent a promising approach to keep affordability and rapidity, thus they can inherently pave the way to point of care tests and high-throughput analysis. Regrettably, most of them suffer from fabrication, biofunctionalization complexity, and fluidic system ineffectiveness. Therefore, their adoption as a real alternative to the gold standards is still far from being achieved. However, a massive research on plasmonic nanostructures is revealing their potentialities in biosensing field, since they own appealing performances resulting from the plasmon-related effects and they can be easily adapted to a large variety of well-established bioassays. Particularly, the implementation of nanostructured surfaces in chip-based fluorescence techniques is of growing interest since it would lead to a significant improvement of sensing performance through plasmon-enhanced fluorescence effect. On the other hand, when quickness, practicality, and easiness of use are preferred rather than high sensitivity, colorimetric biosensors relying on metal nanoparticles are the ideal candidates since their capability to produce a qualitative and visual response in a few minutes.
Prof. Amy Shen
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